PUBLIC CALL: Service of external evaluation of the effects of service centers for people with disabilities and their families in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Institute for Youth Development KULT  invites legal entities registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit an offer for the services of external evaluation of the effects of service centers for persons with disabilities and their families in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This invitation is not intended for individuals. Only legal entities registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina who can[…]

Specialized Google Street View vehicles have arrived on the streets of Sarajevo

Specialized Google Street View vehicles arrived in Sarajevo and were already on task today. The photojournalist of the portal “caught” their movements in several locations. Google has added Bosnia and Herzegovina to the list of countries where Street View cars will drive in 2024. This matches a driver job posting posted earlier this month by DeRisk,[…]

The Mostar – Vukovar friendship bicycle caravan successfully arrived in Kiseljak

Bicyclists were welcomed at Branitelja Square in Kiseljak by the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lidija Bradar, together with the mayor of Kiseljak municipality, Mladen Mišurić Ramljak. The twelfth cycling caravan of friendship Mostar Vukovar successfully completed the first stage of 130 kilometers on Sunday. Bicyclists were welcomed at Branitelja Square in Kiseljak by[…]

Fund Kiseljak

The Kiseljak Fund is a dedicated fund for the improvement and development of the Tuzla local community Kiseljak, which is included in the Network of Active Communities. Through this Fund, we encourage cooperation and partnership within the local community of Kiseljak, where activists meet regularly to actively work on solving problems in their community. All projects that[…]

Another Bosnian goes on an expedition to Mount Everest

Representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of the Brčko District of BiH, Mayor Zijad Nišić, his deputy Anto Domić, Deputy President of the Assembly of the Brčko District of BiH Ivo Filipović, and the mayor’s adviser Lucija Hrgovčić, supported the intention and plan of Mirko Zečević-Tadić for the expedition to the highest peak in the world,[…]