Meet Dženana Pindžo-Mekić, an employment mentor who creates powerful changes in the lives of her mentees through honest conversation

Employment mentors provide key support to mentees in identifying their strengths, motivation and preparation for entering the labor market, looking for a job and keeping it. The process of mentoring for employment represents an innovative approach in the social protection system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it offers numerous benefits, among which is the creation of a platform[…]

Mostar: 27.5 thousand tons arrive at the landfill annually, 13 percent of the waste is recycled, and a composting plant would be a great advantage

The mayor of Mostar, Mario Kordić, said that now it would be possible to start a plan to adapt the landfill, but that the problem is money because 11 million KM is needed for the five-year rehabilitation plan. “I am asking you to start solving the problem of the cost of disposal, acceptance and processing of mixed[…]

EUFOR and GSS “Prenj” Konjic join forces

KONJIC, October 21, 2024  – The Commander of EUFOR, Major General László Sticz, will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Prenj Mountain Rescue Team from Konjic on Tuesday, October 22 at 2 p.m. in Camp Butmir. With this document, the two parties will formalize their cooperation in the provision of emergency medical assistance and rescue in mountainous[…]

Call for applications to the mentoring program for start-ups, micro, small and medium enterprises

The Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS),  in cooperation with  the USAID Diaspora Invest Project,  has opened a call for start-ups, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to apply for a joint mentoring program that includes male and female lecturers from Bosnia and Herzegovina. diaspora. In  November and December,  we organize lectures and talks with entrepreneurs all over the country, where  dr.[…]