Successfully launched digital register of food donations “No one hungry”

On Thursday,  October 17, Mozaik startup studio  successfully  launched the ” Nobody Hungry ” digital register for food donations , which enables  faster and more transparent distribution of food  to the most vulnerable citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina , reducing the amount of food that would otherwise be destroyed. Emily Coffman Krunić , director of the USAID BiH Mission,  Zoran Puljić , director of the Mozaik Foundation,  Džemil Hajrić , director […]

Who is entitled to a tax refund in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

In the complex world of tax regulations, the issue of tax refunds often causes confusion among the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The information that follows is based on official data from the Tax Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and will provide you with a clear picture of your rights and options when[…]

Opportunity for female students from Bosnia and Herzegovina – Applications for WSA Univation are open!

WSA Univation  is an interdisciplinary digital entrepreneurship program, as a special segment within  the World Summit Awards initiative , aimed at students and university projects that use digital technology to solve social challenges.  The goal of this program is to provide a platform for young innovators to present their ideas and develop projects that have a positive impact on the community[…]

See the fascinating photos of the “Smrika” Necropolis near Novi Travnik

Bh. photographer Boris Trogrančić on his photographic journey often bypasses the area of ​​central Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is actually full of wonderful scenes, natural beauty and cultural heritage. This time he recorded wonderful photos of the National Monument of BiH Smrika near Novi Travnik. The monument was built in 1975 according to the design of the[…]

Bosnian Edin Muratspahić works in the Nobel Prize winner’s laboratory: Džeka’s goals are monitored on his mobile phone

Edin Muratspahić from Bosnia and Herzegovina achieved great success – he works in the laboratory of David Baker, this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. He spoke to about his life, his love for science and his rich career. He grew up in Gračanica near Bugojno, where he finished elementary school. He stated that[…]

Fashion show “In honor of the year”: Residents of the nursing home delighted everyone in the role of mannequins

The mannequins were beneficiaries of the Old People’s Home in Podgorica, who delighted the audience with their smiles and style. During the previous weekend, Senior Fest 2024 was held   for the third time in Podgorica, organized by the Ju Dom Starih “Podgorica”. The goal of this event is to highlight the importance of an active and fulfilling life for[…]

Young folklorists from Trebinje went on a humanitarian pilgrimage for the population of Jablanica

The main goal of this pilgrimage is to collect aid for the vulnerable population in Jablanica. Members of the National Games Ensemble “Jovan Dučić” from Trebinje went on a humanitarian pilgrimage from Trebinje to the Ostrog monastery, and all funds collected will be paid to the population affected by floods and landslides in Jablanica and the surrounding[…]