SUCCESS OF CIVIC ACTIVISM: Locals stopped the incinerator project in Lopare!

The success of citizens In the village of Mrtvica, municipality of Lopare, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the construction of an incinerator for medical waste generated from humans and animals is planned, which, as the locals pointed out, will disrupt human health and ecology in this highly agricultural part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil […]

100 free websites – City of Sarajevo providing help to local businesses

A word from the mayor The City of Sarajevo and Laganoo award 100 free websites/e-commerce websites for entrepreneurs from Sarajevo The era of the pandemic made it difficult for many businessowners to do business, but it also accelerated the process of digitalization, further emphasizing the need for entrepreneurs to expand their business to virtual space. The City[…]

The Regional Council for Education established in Banja Luka – the goal is to harmonize education sector with the needs of the labor market and faster employment

Illustration (Photo: nd3000/ At the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republika Srpska and the Union of Employers’ Associations of Republika Srpska, the first Regional Council for Education was officially established in Banja Luka, with the aim of connecting the business and education sectors. Regional education councils will be organized in 10 regions[…]

Melanchoaly* report from Banovići: Is it possible to imagine a future without coal?

In the series “Twilight of the Coal Miner”, Naratorium, with the support of the “Heinrich Böll” Foundation, brings reports from eight mining BiH cities that, perhaps more than others, face the challenges of energy transition. We tried to find out in a conversation with citizens and politicians, activists and lobbyists, miners and directors what a certain coal[…]

Building “Bridges of Trust and Cooperation” with one hundred students from five local communities with the support of Canada through the Canadian Local Initiatives Fund

This school year, one hundred students from ten primary schools in Bugojno, Busovača, Fojnica, Jajce and Divičani will participate in the project “Bridges of Trust and Cooperation” implemented by the humanitarian organization “Genesis Project”. The goal of this project is to reduce the undesirable consequences of the pandemic on children and young people and to build their[…]

Useful information for investors – Digital map of mineral resources and raw materials created in Prijedor

Illustration (Photo: rtem/ The Faculty of Mining in Prijedor presented a digital map of mineral resources and raw materials of the Prijedor area, the first project that is the result of a memorandum of cooperation that this higher education institution signed with the City of Prijedor, it is stated on the city website. Deputy Mayor of Prijedor,[…]

Draft Waste Management Plan for the City of Zvornik presented

On Friday, through a video presentation, the members of the working group were presented with the Draft Waste Management Plan with a feasibility study for environmentally friendly waste management and logistics for the city of Zvornik, which is part of the project Launching Environmental Financing for Low Carbon Urban Development (UrbanLED). Zvornik (Photo: Slaviša Bukurović) The city[…]