Useful information for investors – Digital map of mineral resources and raw materials created in Prijedor

Illustration (Photo: rtem/ The Faculty of Mining in Prijedor presented a digital map of mineral resources and raw materials of the Prijedor area, the first project that is the result of a memorandum of cooperation that this higher education institution signed with the City of Prijedor, it is stated on the city website. Deputy Mayor of Prijedor, […]

Draft Waste Management Plan for the City of Zvornik presented

On Friday, through a video presentation, the members of the working group were presented with the Draft Waste Management Plan with a feasibility study for environmentally friendly waste management and logistics for the city of Zvornik, which is part of the project Launching Environmental Financing for Low Carbon Urban Development (UrbanLED). Zvornik (Photo: Slaviša Bukurović) The city[…]

Support of Visit Sarajevo to the activities of the Association “Marathon” Sarajevo

Today, a press conference was held in Sarajevo, within which an agreement on cooperation between Visit Sarajevo and the Tourist Board of Sarajevo Canton and the Association “Marathon” Sarajevo was signed. The planned activities of the Association for the next period were presented. On that occasion, the representative of the Association Selma Kukić pointed out that health[…]

TRIBUTE 3d press release

The TRIBUTE project consortium held its second Steering Committee meeting on July 22, which was again held online due to the unpredictable epidemiological situation. Nevertheless, the project partners had the opportunity to discuss several technical steps of the project with emphasis on two work packages that are extremely important for the TRIBUTE project: “Methodological framework and assessment”[…]