Mostar: Young people are not interested in old trades, everyone would consider a light job

“Believe me, even younger people are not interested in this. Everyone would love an office, a computer, if it were easy work…I remember the first two years I woke up with stiff fingers, it’s not easy. It’s a man’s job, I can say,” said the silversmith Miličević. the citizens’ initiative of Mostar organized a panel discussion called […]

Activists of numerous associations demand that the construction of ‘Upper Horizons’ be stopped

Activists of several associations and informal groups of citizens of the river movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina informed the citizens present in Blagaj on Saturday about the disastrous effects of the eventual full implementation of the controversial project “Upper Horizons”, which, they say, the general public does not know enough about. Developed in the 1950s, the complex[…]


As part of the activities of the LDI School of Ecology, our volunteers visited Sarajevo secondary schools and talked with students about the carbon footprint, that is, the responsibility and influence we have as individuals and as a society, and about the importance of a responsible relationship with nature.  We rounded off this activity with a joint[…]

“Gastro-fest” marks the official start of the season – natural pearls and plenty of flavor for a full atmosphere

Numerous visitors to the “Gastro-fest”, which was held on the river island of Brioni near Foča, were able to get acquainted with the natural beauty and rich tourist offer of the Foča region, an integral part of which are traditional dishes, which they could try. Several Foca restaurants, associations and farmers prepared an abundance of food, the[…]