The mayor of Livno announces a public call for civil society organizations/non-governmental organizations to submit project proposals. Non-governmental/non-profit organizations are invited to apply in accordance with the development goals of the City of Livno, from the following priority areas: support for initiatives for promotion and education in the field of entrepreneurship, support for the launch of start-up […]
Damir Bajraktarevic from Sarajevo is conquering the market with his wooden glasses. However, the path to unique glasses went along with a song, because our interviewee started his private business by making guitars. He put his university degree aside, and he says that he “lives happily and does what he loves”. How did the idea for starting[…]
The fight to save Bosnia and Herzegovina’s rivers, which are under terrible attack by investors of small hydroelectric power plants, is probably one of the fights that united people in the recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Coalition for the Protection of Rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which gathers around 30 organizations, supports the residents of[…]
In the City of Zavidovici, a public call for grants to persons from the diaspora who have already started or want to start a business in Bosnia and Herzegovina was opened. The available fund to support people from the diaspora to start a business venture in Zavidovici is 40,000 BAM, and the average amount of the request[…]
Welcome to the seventh episode of the Local Works podcast produced by the Network for Building Peace and the Foundation for Creative Development (FKR). This time we visited Kiseljak near Tuzla to present all the potentials it has. The LOCAL WORKS podcast show follows a five-year project that aims to network all existing and new initiatives aimed[…]
Author: M. Hodzic Youth Meeting of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022 Problems and needs of young people were the focus of other Youth Meetings of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and key messages that peace and cooperation have no alternative. A large number of young people from the District, Bosnia and Herzegovina[…]
On Thursday, June 16, 2022, the Union of Employers’ Associations of Republika Srpska in the Great Hall of the Cultural Center “Banski Dvor” in Banja Luka, starting at 9 am, in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Tourism in the Government of Republika Srpska with the support of USAID development of sustainable tourism in Bosnia and[…]
📢Become the face of the Herzegovina Wine Road! Enjoy the beautiful ambience of Herzegovinian wineries and pose for our photographer. ❗️USAID Tourism is looking for volunteers who will be models for photographing wineries in Ljubuski, Citluk, Trebinje, Stolac, Mostar and Capljina. Confirmed recording dates are: ➤June 10 Ljubuski ➤June 11 and 12 Citluk ➤ June 13 Mostar[…]