Call for Proposals: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Workforce and Higher Access to Markets Activity (WHAM) Project

USAID’s Workforce and Higher Access to Markets Activity (WHAM) invites eligible organizations to submit concept notes for grant funding as detailed below Issuance Date: 19-February-2021 Closing Date: 12-March-2021 Total Potential Funding: USD 75,000 Estimated Number of Awards: 2 Maximum Award: USD 75,000 WHAM published a Requests for Applications (RFAs) targeted to support training centers that provide training […]

Support future role models! Mentor young people and be part of their success

We are looking for potential mentors who will work with social businesses from our portfolio. Stages of development This opportunity is available to those who are in one of the following stages of development. Industry/Area This opportunity is available to those who apply for a call from the following areas: All areas. Location BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, All[…]

EU provides €18 million for COVID-19 recovery of entrepreneurship and agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina

For the purpose of recovery of BiH economy from effects caused by the COVID-19 viral pandemic, the European Union approved EUR 18 million worth emergency support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. These funds will be available through two new projects, namely EU4BusinessRecovery, worth EUR 13.7 million provided by the European Union and the German Government, and[…]

Regional Startup Center Priboj has announced a call for first users

Illustration (Photo: In order to develop innovative entrepreneurship and support young people in starting their own business, the Regional Innovation Startup Center Priboj, which was built with the support of the Ministry of Innovation and Technological Development and the Municipality of Priboj, announced a public call for potential service users, as free support for innovative ideas[…]

Call for applications for local self-government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina – The Local Service Efficiency Improvement Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (PIPLS)

The Local Service Efficiency Improvement Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (PIPLS) invites local self-government units (LGUs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to apply for participation in its implementation. The PIPLS project aims to improve access to key public services through better governance and increased investment in local infrastructure. The project is a three-year initiative (2021-2023) primarily funded[…]