Care for future generations: ZZO KS finances prenatal tests for the first time in Sarajevo Canton

For the first time in Sarajevo Canton, the Health Insurance Institute of Sarajevo Canton allocated 1,000,000 KM to co-finance non-invasive prenatal testing.

As Muamer Kosovac , director of the Health Insurance Institute of KS, pointed out  , the Institute is dedicated to improving health care, clearly showing its concern for the health and well-being of pregnant women and future generations.

“By introducing co-financing of the costs  of non-invasive prenatal testing , we are making a significant step forward in ensuring timely and adequate health care for pregnant women from risk categories. Our goal is to provide the best possible health care for all our policyholders, and we believe that this measure will significantly contribute to the safety and health of expectant mothers and their children. The institute will continue its efforts to improve health care in order to respond to the needs of all our citizens,” said director Kosovac.

The KS Health Insurance Institute, as a healthcare financier in Sarajevo Canton, will co-finance costs in the amount of 90% of the actual costs incurred,  up to a maximum of KM 1,250.00 per request . Details on the criteria for co-financing can be found on  the website of ZZO KS.

The request for exercising the right to co-financing the costs of  a non-invasive prenatal test is submitted by the insured person or his representative, and the spouse/common-law partner. The necessary documentation includes the finding of the attending specialist doctor, the original paid invoice, the marriage certificate or the corresponding proof for common-law partners, and the transaction number of the giro account of the applicant.

The KS Health Insurance Institute, together with the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Health, continues with activities aimed at providing the best possible health care to all citizens, especially pregnant women. The decision to co-finance the costs of non-invasive prenatal tests is another confirmation of the Institute’s commitment to the improvement of health services and care for the health of all insured persons.
