CALL: Green School 2024

WHEN :  July 4-7, 2024

WHERE:  Vlasic

HOW to apply?  Fill out  this questionnaire .

The Heinrich Boell Foundation, office in Sarajevo, organizes the fourth edition of the Green School in order to contribute to the discussion and understanding of topics important to society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as neighboring countries, has been on the radar of investors in recent years as a possible alternative source of raw materials. Numerous projects that aim to use this “unexplored potential” are being prepared or already underway, while not enough is being said about the potential consequences for the environment, local communities, as well as who will really profit from them. However, this is not unique to our area – the global race for resources is gaining momentum, despite the warnings of science about the climate crisis and the need to review the limits of growth. How Bosnia and Herzegovina will respond to the current and future challenges of global development depends on the positions it takes now, and on the citizens who must determine themselves according to the aforementioned global trends and advocate for sustainable development.

The goal of this year’s edition of the Green School  is to provide theoretical frameworks for thinking about the mentioned topics, more specifically about fair and sustainable  management of resources.  With the help of excellent lecturers from BiH and the region, we will work on identifying problems and finding solutions starting from the global level, through the EU and the implications of its policies on the countries of the Western Balkans, in order to deal with the situation on the ground in BiH with a special focus on local communities . We will talk about a just green transition and green policies for the purpose of a better and better quality of life in which man is the focus. We will deal with new models of growth and development, positions of power of men and women, and look at where BiH is currently on that path. 

Green School 2024 will bring together lecturers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, as well as participants from various fields of social engagement (activism, civil society, media, academia).  The invitation is for both practitioners and theorists. 

The number of places is limited.

Travel, accommodation and food expenses are covered by the Heinrich Boell Foundation.  The invitation is open to participants in BiH, and the official language of the school will be B/H/S. 

If you have any questions or doubts, please write to the e-mail address:

The call for participation is open  until June 16, 2024. at midnight . The results will be published no later than June 21, 2024. 

More information  click on the link.
