BIH “Hercegovina” bridge opened with magnificent fireworks and numerous guests

The “Hercegovina” bridge, which will become part of Corridor 5C, was officially opened tonight with numerous dignitaries and magnificent fireworks. In addition to the bridge, the Počitelj – Zvirovići highway subsection was also opened with this ceremony

The contract for the construction of the subdivision Počitelj – Zvirovići was signed on June 20, 2019, and is divided into 2 lots. The first LOT included part of the route to Mosta Hercegovina and from Mosta Hercegovina to the Zvirovići interchange and was built by the Chinese.

The second LOT included the construction of the grandiose Hercegovina Bridge, the construction of which was built in a consortium by Azvirt and the Chinese companies Sinohydro and Powerchina.

As part of the Počitelj – Zvirovići subdivision, the Počitelj interchange, the Počitelj tunnel, three viaducts and an open route, as well as the large Hercegovina bridge, were built.

The Počitelj – Zvirovići subdivision connects to the previously completed Međugorje – Bijača section, which is ten kilometers long. The highway from Međugorje to Bijača connects with the Croatian highway Dalmatin.

When it comes to the work on the bridge itself, the first layer of asphalt was laid at the beginning of August, and after that came the “make-up” of the bridge, i.e. putting the final layer of asphalt and work on the remaining parts of the bridge.

This bridge will be one of the highest in the region, with a length of almost a kilometer and a maximum height of 100 meters.

Along with the Prenj tunnel, the “Hercegovina” bridge represents one of the most demanding projects within the construction of Corridor 5C through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Minute-by-minute flow of the opening ceremony:

19:52 –  In addition to the politician’s speech, the entire ceremony is accompanied by an adequate music program.

19:44 –  The Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, Borjana Krišto, stated that this bridge will further contribute to the state’s economy.

“This bridge not only connects the south and the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also a corridor through Croatia, enabling the multiple development of the economy and economy. This project gives a new dimension to the development of BiH and sets a high bar. This is the foundation for the continued construction of road infrastructure,” said Krišto.

19:35 –  Looking back on the works on this bridge, the director of Autocest FBiH Denis Lasić said that everything was worth the effort.

“We can proudly say that the view towards the ‘Hercegovina’ bridge clearly shows that it was worth the effort. The trust shown to us as an investor, to build the largest infrastructure project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is certainly a confirmation of the quality work of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also a sign that we have created a positive atmosphere”, said Lasić.

19:28 –  In this part of the program, the representatives of the FBiH Highway present the technical specifications of the bridge to the attendees.

19:24 –  After the opening address, cultural and artistic societies and solo artists sing songs about Počitelj with a tambourine as a refresher of the program.

Photo: EM/

Photo: EM/

19:12 –  At the opening of the “Hercegovina” bridge, representatives of Croatia, i.e. Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman, arrived in addition to local officials.

7:06 p.m. –  Before the opening ceremony, FBiH Prime Minister Nermin Nikšić addressed the public and said that this is a big day for BiH.

Photo: EM/

Photo: EM/

“Day by day, as you have heard, we will have new contracts signed, new investments and we will make FBiH a big construction site. Thank you to everyone who follows the work of the government and certainly this is another step on BiH’s path to the European Union,” said Nikšić.

7:04 p.m. –  The opening ceremony of the “Hercegovina” bridge began with the singing of the national anthem, and statements by officials are expected after that.

19:00 –  In addition to the statements of the officials, it is expected that the cultural and artistic society will perform as part of the ceremony, and the end will be marked by a large fireworks display that was prepared for this purpose.

Photo: EM/

Photo: EM/

18:51 –  This bridge will be one of the highest in the region, with a length of almost a kilometer and a maximum height of 100 meters. Along with the Prenj tunnel, the “Hercegovina” bridge represents one of the most demanding projects within the construction of Corridor 5C through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Photo: EM/

Photo: EM/

18:47 –  Before the opening itself, the team of the portal spoke with the residents of Počitelje, who claim that the opening of the bridge and this section will drastically affect this place as well.

One of the fruit sellers, Vedat, in an interview with, said that the bridge and the route are grandiose buildings, but that they will lose a lot.

“Of course, there will be fewer tourists and we will feel it, and as for the route and the bridge, everything looks fine, but there will be fewer visitors,” said Vedat.

18:43 –  The opening ceremony of the bridge is scheduled for 19:00, and before the opening itself, speeches are expected from officials, including the Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nermin Nikšić, the Director of Highways of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denis Lasić, and numerous other officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as from the region.

Photo: EM/

Photo: EM/

18:40  – Dear readers of the portal, welcome to the text broadcast on the occasion of the opening of the “Hercegovina” bridge, a grandiose project that will officially open new kilometers of highway in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

