Roof Gardens invites entrepreneurs to join the new business environment in Trebević

Stambeno-poslovni kompleks Roof Gardens predstavlja spoj prirode, elegancije i poslovne funkcionalnosti. Smješten na olimpijskoj planini Trebević, sada poziva poduzetnike da se pridruže kreiranju novih poslovnih prilika na ovoj jedinstvenoj lokaciji. U okruženju, koje sjedinjuje prirodu, modernu arhitekturu i poslovnu funkcionalnost na jedinstven način, poduzetnici će imati podršku i resurse da postanu dio jednog od najuzbudljivijih projekata u […]

Continued cooperation with SOS Children’s Village

Mayor Nusret Helić and National Director of SOS Children’s Villages of BiH Malik Garibija signed an agreement on the financing of the SOS  Children’s Village project  in Gračanica, thus continuing long-term cooperation in the field of creating safe conditions for a carefree and happy childhood of children without parental care. The National Director of SOS Children’s Villages, Malik Garibija,[…]

Students from Mostar planted a thousand black pine seedlings on Fortica

Students and teachers of the “Mujaga Komadina” Elementary School in Mostar, in cooperation with the Parents’ Council, organized an afforestation of Fortica called “1000 seedlings for my city” on Wednesday. The director of the school, Semir Šejtanić, pointed out that today’s action is dedicated to the Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “In the past period, many[…]