16,800 people are fed in public kitchens in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 400,000 tons of food are destroyed annually

767,123 meals are destroyed daily or 280 million per year. More than 60 public kitchens operate in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They feed 16,800 people, while many receive daily rations or monthly aid packages to survive. A public kitchen for babies is also open in Bratunac, and there is a kitchen for children with disabilities in Lukavac,  “Avaz” reports.[…]

In the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, Bosnia and Herzegovina. the golden Olympian started her first working days

Bh. gold Olympian, member of the Council of Sportsmen of the European Special Olympics, Edna Šunjić, joined the team of the line ministry. The golden Olympian, Edna Šunjić, started her first working days at the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports. SHE JOINED THE COLLECTIVE MINISTRY Bh. a gold Olympian, she is a member of the Sports[…]

An energy storage facility will be built in Zenica

The right to build refers to a city building plot of 8,492 square meters, with an initial one-time fee of 100,000 KM. The city of Zenica has announced  a tender  for the establishment of building rights for the construction and establishment of an energy storage facility with associated facilities in the Business Zone “Zenica 1”,  reports Akta.ba. This opportunity offers[…]

Mostar: Presented results of the MOQAR project

At the Conference, the results of a project funded by the Council of Europe, whose purpose is to overcome obstacles in the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina, were presented. The final conference of the MOQAR project, organized by the Center for Information and Recognition of Documents in the Field of Higher Education[…]

The “GS-Rama” factory opened its doors: a symbol of a new era of industrial development

Snjejana Köpruner: “If there is a life before life, then I must have spent it here.” In Prozor-Rama, the new “GS-Rama” factory was inaugurated yesterday, an important step in the industrial development of this municipality. The opening was attended by a large number of dignitaries, including citizens of the Municipality of Prozor-Rama. Beautiful and sunny weather additionally[…]