Film screenings from the SFF program in China Children’s House

Citizens of Novi Sarajevo will be able to watch films from the program of the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival in the Children’s House on Grbavica Cinema, which meets all the festival and technical standards required for participation in the organization of such a top event. The municipality of Novo Sarajevo in cooperation with the “International Center for […]

Exhibition of posters: “Cultural heritage of the institutions of Herzegovina in the documents of the Archive of the Croatian National Archives (1955-1965)

At the Mostar Cultural Center, tonight at 8:00 p.m., there will be an exhibition of posters: “Cultural heritage of the institutions of Herzegovina in the documents of the HNK/Ž Archives (1955-1965)” starting at 8:00 p.m. as part of the international cultural manifestation “Mostar summer 2024”. The exhibition presents an artistic, graphic, social, social and historical account of[…]

In Sarajevo, free yoga and meditation classes were organized for women suffering from breast cancer

With the financial support of the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo, the Transformation Development Foundation organizes free yoga and meditation classes for women suffering from breast cancer. The project entitled “Transformation through yoga” will be implemented in the premises of the Renaissance Association (Ulica Dolina 1) from August 20 this year, starting at nine o’clock. Anyone interested in[…]

Sarajevo Film Festival presented the Open air program

According to last year’s data available to the Sarajevo Canton Tourist Board, about 30,000 visitors came just for the Sarajevo Film Festival – said today the president of the Sarajevo Canton Tourist Board, Haris Fazlagić, speaking about the importance of the SFF for the city’s tourist offer. He pointed out that last year all capacities were filled,[…]

106,106 passengers were transported by FBiH railways, an increase of 10.8 percent compared to the same period in 2023.

Railways of the Federation of BiH and FBiH transported 106,106 passengers in the second quarter, which is 10.8 percent more than in the same period last year. In the second quarter, 8,975,546 passenger kilometers were traveled, which is 11.6 percent more than in the same quarter last year, the Federal Bureau of Statistics announced. Of that, in[…]