As part of the “Bašćaršija Nights” during July, numerous cultural and artistic events

Sarajevo residents and numerous guests who have already flooded the streets of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be able to enjoy the cultural and artistic events this year as part of the “Bašćaršija Nights” Festival, which starts on July 1 and lasts until the end of the month.

At the press conference where the Festival program was presented, the director of the Bosnian Cultural Center of Sarajevo Canton, Jasmin Duraković, said that this is the 28th “Baščaršija Nights”, adding that it is a summer cultural festival for the audience from Sarajevo, as well as for guests, tourists who they are coming to town.

“The program that we have prepared this year expresses exactly that, that we choose all kinds of content that can be interesting for the audience. What is characteristic of this year, apart from the traditional programs where all art forms are represented – from sevdah, classical, to rock’n’roll, jazz, is also the intention to try to bring the young audience even closer to our programs this year. “ , stated Durakovic.

He added that the intention this year is to bring the program closer to tourists, so that some of the programs will be bilingual and in English, because in recent years they have noticed that a large number of tourists are interested in our culture and art.

Duraković noted that this year they managed to re-establish cooperation with the Municipality of Stari Grad.

“It seems logical that the “Baščaršija Nights” will be present in the premises of the Stari Grad municipality, so that a number of programs that will take place outdoors will be in the area of ​​this municipality” , said Duraković, adding that the epicenter of tourism in the summer months is the Stari Municipality City.

KS Minister of Culture and Sports Kenan Magoda said that in Sarajevo you can feel the spirit and charm of the Orient and modern Europe and culture at the same time.

He added that he was glad that the “Baščaršija Nights” were positioned just like that, “to keep to our traditional values ​​and to give an opportunity to young people, because young people are the future of the city of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

“I’m glad that we have young artists,”  said Magoda.

He pointed out that he will not stop there, and added that investment in culture is a priority of the Government of KS and the Ministry of Culture and Sports of KS.

The Mayor of the Stari Grad Municipality, Irfan Čengić, expressed his satisfaction that this year the Municipality is included in the “Baščaršija night”.

“As the name itself says, it is the heart of the Old Town, the heart of Sarajevo and the heart of BiH. It is logical that the municipality to which Baščaršija belongs should be a part of this”, stated  Čengić, adding that this year’s festival program is rich and diverse.

He noted that the municipality of Stari Grad lives from hospitality and tourism, and that in a conversation with businessmen and people who contribute to the development of this local community, he heard that what they lacked most was content that, apart from sightseeing, would contribute to a greater arrival of domestic and foreign tourists.

The opening of the Festival this year will be marked by young urban hip-hop performers. Thus, Katarza, Geko, Black Beriz and DJ Kaizen will arrive on stage in the atrium of Sarajevo’s BKC on July 1, together with surprise guests.

The “Baščaršija Nights” festival will host, among others, Amira Medunjanin, who will ceremoniously close the “Baščaršija Nights” program with her performance on July 31 on the Central Stage set up in a striking location across from the Town Hall.

The concert will also be an opportunity for Amira Medunjanin to present a new album called “For Him and Her”, which is a kind of tribute to Tomi Zdravković and Silvana Armenulić.

Hip-hop author Mirza Adžović alias Katarza thanked the organizers for giving him the opportunity to be part of the opening of the Festival.

He invited the audience to come to BKC on Monday July 1st to rap and have a good time, announcing that Geko and Black Beriz will be with him.

The “Baščarši Nights” festival starts on Monday, July 1 and lasts until July 31.

“What started as a small gathering of the first years, as “Baščaršijska noć”, during which between 15 and 20 different cultural programs were held in different places throughout the Municipality of Stari Grad, developed into one of the largest and most visited summer festivals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but and beyond. Every year during July, dozens of different programs are hosted at this unique festival on stages set up in recognizable locations throughout Sarajevo”,  the organizers stated.
