Apply for a paid online internship at lonac and be part of the world of digital media!

If you are interested in digital media and want to learn how the largest regional online community works, apply for the internship in lonac by March 8, 2021.

Description of internship

Can you believe it has been 6 months since our last lonac internship call? 😱 Time passes quickly when you have a good time, and the last six months in lonac have flown really quickly. A lot of things happened, a lot of stories were told, a lot of people supported in their ideas

Now is the time for new faces to join our team!

If you are annoyed by notifications, you don’t follow social media networks and trends too much, you are not good at writing … then this invitation is definitely not for you 😃 However, keep reading, I believe you will like what we have prepared 😊

I’m sure that, like us, you are driven crazy by classic internship calls with the same, dry sentences that tell you practically nothing, what exactly you will do and what you can expect. That’s why we a few steps, so you can check if you REALLY need to apply for this call!

  1. The first step is to read Retrospective 2020 in lonac. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this is not even half of what happened in our community, but it is enough to create an image of what we are doing. It’s not too much for you? Congratulations, keep going 👇
  2. The second step is to read how our previous intern Nedim described his internship – What was my internship like in lonac?

Do you like his experience? Do you see yourself in a similar role? Then you are definitely in the right place 📍 Below, you can get more information about the internship and how to apply:

➡️ Internship in lonac – what does it mean?

If you have read the articles above, it is obvious that the work atmosphere in our team is not monotonous. Therefore, there is no one task or one job that needs to be done. It is the dream of all multitaskers and those who easily adapt to new projects and changes. The significance and advantages of such work, our former intern Nedim described as:

“In order to describe in the most accurate way the experience gained during the internship, I will primarily emphasize that I gained experience and knowledge here that academic education/institutions do not provide. The practice in lonac was, among other things, the school of life” – Nedim Salahović, former intern.

🟣 In lonac, you will learn many skills, and you will especially enjoy if:

  • You love to write and share good stories and you know how to create “catchy” content;
  • You believe that young people from the region can make changes through activism and entrepreneurship;
  • You see digital communication as one of the tools that can help us build a better and equal society;
  • You love networking, you have a “CAN DO” attitude and you know how important teamwork is for an individual’s success;
  • You enjoy the online world of digital media, so working from home is not a problem for you.

Nedim was also our first intern who worked remotely. He described the remote work in the following way:

“The advantage of the remote work was that it is much easier to work and adjust to your obligations at university, as well as all other obligations. At no point was I forced to have my contractually agreed 6 hours of work a day from, say, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. No, they had no problem with me working, say, in the evening! However, of course it is important that all the work is completed on time, so that the redistribution of time itself is over 50% of the work itself.”

🟣 If you find yourself in all or at least most of the items listed above, see what criteria you need to meet to apply for the internship:

  • You are between 18 and 35 years old;
  • You are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia or Montenegro;
  • You follow trends and use social media networks and other digital media on a daily basis.

🟣 You will have an advantage if you know how to use the following tools:

  • Office365;
  • Trello;
  • Canva;
  • Mixpanel;
  • Google Analytics;
  • OneDrive;
  • SharePoint.

If this is the first time you’ve heard of most or all of them and you don’t even know how to pronounce them, let alone how they work – don’t give up! 💪 None of these tools are too complicated and if you impress us in completing the tasks, we will be happy to teach you at least the basics of using each of them. This is exactly one of the advantages of doing internship in lonac – you really get a wide range of skills and knowledge that will surely mean something to you in the future!

🟣 Some of the many activities you will be involved in that will help you learn how one of the largest regional communities works:

    ✍️ Create content – You will go through writing blogs, interviews, posts for social media networks … But you will also have full freedom to express yourself creatively in the ways that suit you best. Webinars, podcasts, vlogs or blogs – the options are numerous, and it’s up to you to create something authentic. It is up to us to provide you with support, help and tools to make that happen;

    💬 Communicate with members of lonac and our Facebook group (be sure to join) – You will help them find an invitations, opportunities, persons …, get an answer to a question or some clarification, encourage and facilitate interactions between them;

    💼 Participate in team and other meetings – This will give you a broader picture of how working in large organizations works;

    🔧 You will moderate lonac – This is the “background” part to which access is usually forbidden, but not in lonac! Here, your analytical part of the personality will shine, you will be able to see what our community looks like on both sides and what needs to be done for all processes to run as well as possible. Very often we will ask you to test something and help us figure out why it doesn’t work or how it can do better;

🌐 Involve in the community as many current and future activists, entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, entrepreneurs and all relevant groups that can contribute to the quality and progress of the community. In this way, you will gain important contacts and at the same time learn or improve business communication.

🟣 You must be wondering what other benefits we offer?

  • Ability to manage content, activities and a community of over 46,000 people and a Facebook group of over 2,300 members;
  • An opportunity to learn about community building and digital skills from people who have a lot of experience in the field;
  • Working in a dynamic team (this is not just a phrase, trust me 😃);
  • Flexible working hours;
  • Compensation.

If you read the whole text, it means that you are really interested in this opportunity and we are so happy about it 😊 It’s okay if this long text made you tired, so feel free to get up, stretch your legs, eat something … And when your break is over, click on “Apply” and complete the tasks that will show us how you think, your resourcefulness and motivation.

🟣 The deadline for applications is March 8, 2021 at 23:59. Until May 5 you will get information whether you passed to the second round or not.

Good luck! 🍀