An opportunity to make a difference in the community – Apply and start a local initiative for and with young people!

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The deadline for applications to the Public Call for Local Civic Initiatives has been extended until  August 11, 2024. year until 23.59 hours.


The public call is published as part of the project “Let’s devise, create and adopt policies towards young people” financed by the European Union and implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) in partnership with the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation (RYCO), the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , the Network of Youth Centers for Animation, Development and Training of the Republic of Srpska (MOCART) and the Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This initiative is aimed at supporting networks of youth civil society organizations and improving their cooperation in the field of youth, as well as EU integration. One of the goals is to facilitate and institutionalize cooperation between the authorities and youth organizations, with a special emphasis on those led by young women and members of marginalized groups.

On this way, work will be done on the development and adoption of policies towards young people and create an environment suitable for the participation of young people and youth organizations in decision-making processes. Through this program, youth networks, youth organizations and organizations that work with young people will be supported in order to empower them to better manage projects and activities and participate in decision-making.

Non-governmental organizations registered at any level in Bosnia and Herzegovina are invited to submit their proposals for initiatives within this public call for grants to support the projects of youth organizations and organizations that work with young people in BiH. The end users are young people, with an emphasis on girls and marginalized youth, who will participate in events that will be organized throughout BiH, as well as activists who will be empowered and act in their local community.

A local civic initiative  is an action, an activity of citizens aimed at improving the situation in the local community and the society in which they live. All citizens can participate in civic activities individually or jointly, all with the aim of pointing out specific problems, solving problems or responding to a need that exists in their community.

Advocacy  is a fundamental and long-term process in a democratic society that tries to influence decision makers to change the content of political decisions, in order to achieve general social goals and rights, improve the quality of life of the entire society or specific social groups. In this process, advocates use various strategies such as lobbying, activism, initiatives, public opinion campaigns, writing letters and holding meetings with decision makers. Advocacy is the use of a formal process that brings about “official change” that is more time-consuming; therefore, it is important to get to know the decision-making process that you want to influence.

The public call is carried out through two LOTs:



This component seeks to support youth organizations and organizations that work with young people in order to strengthen mutual cooperation and synergy in order to address common problems and needs of young people. Also, by bringing together different organizations, the initiative will create a solid network that can advocate and implement solutions for youth issues in local communities.

Grant amount: up to 1,955.00 KM per initiative.

Through this component, 20 local initiatives will be supported.

Eliminatory criteria for implementing the initiative:

  • the applicant must be a youth organization, an organization working with young people registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Decision on registration or an extract from the register (the document must not be older than one year), and a certificate of tax registration (ID number);
  • complete and accurate contact information of at least three members of the informal group – if an informal group is being applied for;
  • the maximum amount of requested funds does not exceed 1,955.00 KM;
  • the applicant submitted the project budget on the OBR-GRB form;
  • the applicant submitted a completed form environmental check/checklist for compliance of project activities with requirements related to environmental protection.
  • the initiative must include at least 2 partners (a youth organization, an organization that works with young people or an informal youth group)
  • all proposed activities must be carried out on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • all proposed activities must be implemented no later than  31.12.2024. years ;
  • the purpose of the initiative must be aimed at solving the problems and needs of young people in the community;
  • the purchase of equipment is not allowed;
  • all documentation specified as mandatory in the invitation has been submitted.

In addition to the above criteria (point criteria):

  • it is desirable that the organization/informal group is led by a girl or a member of a marginalized youth group;
  • the proposed initiative can be a preparation for the establishment of new youth organizations;
  • it is desirable that the proposed initiative also has an advocacy aspect.


This component seeks to improve the implementation of the mechanisms prescribed by the laws on youth in BiH (Law on Youth FBiH, Law on Youth Organizations of the RS, Law on Youth of the Brčko District of BiH) and to more strongly involve young people in decision-making processes.

Grant amount: up to 2,151.41 KM per initiative.

Through this component, 5 local initiatives will be supported.

Eliminatory criteria for implementing the initiative:

  • the applicant must be a youth organization or one that works with young people registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Decision on registration or an extract from the register (the document must not be older than one year), and a certificate of tax registration (ID number);
  • the maximum amount of requested funds does not exceed 2,151.41 KM;
  • the applicant submitted the project budget on the OBR-GRB form;
  • the applicant submitted a completed form environmental check/checklist for compliance of project activities with requirements related to environmental protection.
  • all proposed activities must be carried out on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • all proposed activities must be implemented no later than  December 31, 2024 ;
  • the proposed initiative must contain advocacy activities;
  • the purchase of equipment is not allowed;
  • all documentation specified as mandatory in the invitation has been submitted.

In addition to the above criteria (point criteria):

  • it is desirable that the organization is led by a girl or a member of a marginalized youth group;
  • the proposed initiative may be the establishment and implementation of mechanisms prescribed by laws on youth;
  • the proposed initiative may have activities involving young people in decision-making processes;
  • the proposed initiative can be the establishment, development and improvement of institutional mechanisms aimed at a better position of young people.

Technical information

Technical information as well as all mandatory forms (ID number Registration Decision, OBR-GRB project budget form, environmental check/list form) are available on the online grant management platform at the link: 05.0-N2.1-48 .

Important dates for applying:

  1. The deadline for submitting initiatives is  August 11, 2024 . year until 23.59 hours.  Applications and required documentation must be written in one of the official languages ​​and scripts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Applications must be completed electronically.
  2. Approval of initiatives and signing of contracts with organizations is planned no later than  September 9, 2024. years.
  3. Initiatives supported through this public call can last from  September 9, 2024. until 31.12.2024. years.
  4. The deadline for submitting the final narrative and financial reports is  January 31,  2025.


The initiative proposal is submitted exclusively in electronic form available at the link:  no later than  August 11, 2024. year until 23.59 hours.

You can get additional information about the conditions for applying for grants and the Public Call by email  (subject/subject: PUBLIC CALL INQUIRY – LOT 1/2) or phone number 033 778 765.

Incomplete applications, applications that are not submitted in the specified manner, as well as applications on inappropriate forms will not be considered. Notifications about the status of the application will be communicated to the applicants via the email address specified in the application form.


After the commission evaluates the received proposals, all applicants will be informed about the outcome of the initiative proposal evaluation. Applicants whose initiative proposals are positively evaluated enter the phase of grant award negotiations.

In the negotiation phase, the committee and the applicant will agree on the proposal of the initiative, especially the parts related to deliveries, monitoring and evaluation of the initiative. The Commission has the right to ask for additional clarifications and documents with the proposal of the initiative and to support the development of the proposed measures and activities.

Notification of a positive assessment of a project proposal does not necessarily mean that a contract will be signed or that the initiative will be financed. By signing the grant award agreement, the mutual relations of cooperation and the rights and obligations of both contracting parties are regulated.

The Institute undertakes to use all collected data and documentation submitted as part of the application to the Public Call exclusively for the processing of the grant.

The full text of the Public Call is available  HERE .

NOTE: For the sake of transparency, expressions given in one grammatical gender in the document without discrimination apply equally to persons of all genders.
