A story like from a movie: Simba the dog traveled a long way from Drvar to Livno, and after 8 years he returned to his first owner

Dog Simba, who was with Drvarčani Marko Bukva for eight years, traveled about a hundred kilometers to return to his first owner in Livno.

Ivan Mihaljević from Livno and Marko Bukva from Drvar were work colleagues and friends, and they had the same hobby, love for dogs.

Mihaljević gave  the dog  to his friend Mark eight years ago due to work and obligations, so Simba found a new home in Drvar.

– He was with me for more than eight years, I named him Simo. A few days ago he disappeared from home, I looked for him everywhere, but he was not there. I became attached to him. He knew when I came home, that’s when he started barking. I couldn’t accept that he was gone or, even worse, that he was attacked by wild animals – said Bukva.

After several days of searching, Bukva received a call from Mihaljević who said that Simba had returned to him.

– I was happy with the news that he is alive and safe – says Bukva.

Source: srpskainfo.com