A scientist from Bosnia and Herzegovina became a full professor at MIT: His discovery delighted the public

Admir Mašić, studying ancient writings and charters, discovered a chemical formula and patented modern, self-healing concrete

Admir Mašić , a chemist and scientist originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina, was promoted to the position of full professor at the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States of America.

– There are certain milestones in the life of a professor that mark years of hard work and commitment. One of those just happened in my life. This milestone is proof of the incredible support of my colleagues, our fantastic students and associates at the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Protection here at MIT, said Admir Mašić on this occasion.

By the way, Mašić, studying ancient writings and charters, discovered a chemical formula and patented modern, self-healing concrete. The discovery, which he made with his team at MIT, delighted the public.

He was encouraged to research by the fact that the concrete used in construction today is not sustainable, nor does it guarantee centuries-long durability. In addition, production has large emissions of carbon dioxide, which is not good for the environment. On the other hand, buildings built in the Roman era defy time and all the (un)opportunities they encounter. Admir wondered how it is possible that our bridges are collapsing, and these 2,000-year-old buildings, with a similar chemical composition, survive.

That, he said, was the beginning.

Read his life story and what the path to the above-mentioned discovery looked like in  our conversation with Admir Mašić .

Source: mojabih.oslobodjene.ba