A new strategy towards the youth of the Municipality of Ilidža – through the institutional cooperation of the government and the youth towards development through the realization of jointly defined development interests

The municipality of Ilidža is an example of a community that continues to take care of its young people, and shows its commitment to issues of importance to young people through constant work on the development of strategic documents. Strategies towards young people, following the guidelines and practice of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, make it easier for local community authorities to keep the position of young people in a structured, planned and constant focus and work on improving their position.

With the signing of the Agreement, the long-term fruitful cooperation between the Municipality of Ilidža and the Institute for Youth Development KULT continued on the improvement of systemic care for young people and the creation of an environment in the local community that supports young people to reach their full potential.

The Youth Strategy for the period 2025-2029, with the corresponding action plan, will be the fifth strategic document for the youth of the Municipality of Ilidža, which is also the first municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina to create the first Youth Strategy back in 2006. .

According to the results of the 2013 population census, 14,565 young people (15 to 29 years old) live in the territory of the municipality of Ilidža. Young people make up close to 22% of the population of the municipality of Ilidža and represent 17% of the total number of young people living in the area of ​​Sarajevo Canton. The inclusion of issues important for young people in policy areas with concrete initiatives for young people with the inclusion of young people, i.e. promoting their civic, economic, social and political participation and strengthening their capacities, on which the Municipality of Ilidža is constantly working, is a reflection of the reflection of this local community in what way in follow the guidelines of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. and move towards the achievement of the European Youth Goals.

As Mayor Nermin Muzur pointed out, successful communities are recognized by the quality of life of their members, and focusing on improving the quality of life of the youth of Ilidža is key to the growth and development of not only this population, but also the community as a whole.

“The institute, with the support of the European Union, will support those communities that make changes, and the municipality of Ilidža is an example of a community that does not only infrastructural improvements, but also constant social changes and improvements”, is the opinion of Jasmin Bešić, general director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

The next step in the process of developing a strategy for young people, in addition to the formation of the Coordination Body for developing a strategy for young people in the municipality of Ilidža, will be research on the position and needs of young people, which will be carried out by the Institute through a project funded by the European Union. The results of the research will direct the creation of strategic programs and activities that will be solutions to the mapped needs and problems of young people in this community and lead to the creation of new opportunities and opportunities for young people. Work on improving the position of young people in terms of the authorities’ determination to create an inclusive community that fosters mutual information and constructive dialogue, nurturing mental health and well-being and improving opportunities for quality education, creating a dynamic economic environment and encouraging entrepreneurship with initiatives to improve housing conditions, will be the goals according to which will be pursued in the new strategy for the youth of the Municipality of Ilidža, which certainly confirms the orientation towards European values.

The opportunity for the Institute for Youth Development KULT to support the Municipality of Ilidža in developing a strategy for young people was provided within the project “Let’s devise, create and adopt policies for young people”. The project “Let’s devise, create and adopt policies towards young people” is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in partnership with the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation (RYCO), the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Network of Youth Centers for Animation, Development and Training of the Republic of Srpska ( MOCART) and the Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Source: mladi.org