98 cadets – police officers of the BiH Border Police took the solemn oath

The Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina held a solemn swearing-in ceremony for Class XI cadets of this police agency today. 98 cadets of the Border Police of BiH attended the first level basic police training at the Agency for Training and Professional Training of Personnel and obtained the rank of “policeman”.

Previously, 22 cadets also took the oath, earning the title of “junior inspector”. The education of these, a total of 120 cadets, was made possible with the financial support of the European Union and represents only one part of the continuous support of the European Union to the Border Police of BiH.

Director of the BiH Border Police, Mirko Kuprešaković, in his address to the attendees and the new cadets, pointed out that the employment of young people who took the oath today and took office is of inestimable importance:

“Police work is a calling that requires a lot of renunciation and sacrifice, and we do our best to ensure that you have all the necessary conditions for work, because only a satisfied police officer can perform his job well and serve the citizens. The Border Police needs professional young people who will do everything for a stable and safe environment, and I am glad that you are one of them, and that you contribute greatly to the safety of all our citizens, as well as to the strengthening of the capacities of the Border Police of BiH” , the director pointed out. Kuprešaković, and thanked the European Union and the IOM for their continuous support and strengthening of the material and technical capacities of the BiH Border Police, who also financed the training of this class of cadets, through the EU IPA funds, in the amount of several million.

Those present were also addressed by H.E. Johann Sattler, head of the Delegation of the European Union to BiH and the EU’s special representative in BiH, pointing out that border control and migration management are one of the conditions in the context of EU integration.

“The financing of the European Union for the education of the 11th generation of cadets of the Border Police of BiH once again proves our commitment to support the local authorities in the efficient management of migration. During the last six years, the European Union allocates around 20 million euros per year to strengthen the migration management system and border control in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our help in financing the education of young cadets is only part of the support to the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, we provided specialized equipment for border surveillance, communication equipment, vehicles, IT equipment, and we will also finance the education of the next, 12th generation of Border Police cadets,”  said Ambassador Sattler.

BiH Deputy Minister of Security Ivica Bošnjak, while addressing the audience, said that it was a great success to stand in front of the assembled machine, out of 98 future policemen who were educated and trained to take on the important tasks of guarding the border and security in BiH.

“This is a great joint success. And we can be proud of him. After a long pause, we continue to fill the Border Police of BiH with young personnel. This is extremely important,  not only because of the lack of personnel in the BiH Border Police, but also because young people are given a chance, who in the years ahead will form the backbone of the fight against all forms of cross-border crime. We are grateful to the European Union, which recognized this problem and financially supported this training,”  Bošnjak said.

Laura Lungarotti, head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in BiH and coordinator for the Western Balkans, also attended the ceremony.

“IOM is proud to be able to attend today the reception of new cadets in the Border Police, who take the official oath. IOM will continue to engage in strengthening the capacity of the Border Police to ensure that the Agency for Education and Professional Training of Personnel trains an additional 150 students within the framework of the support coming from the EU,”  said Laura Lungarotti, head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in BiH and coordinator for the Western Balkans.

After successfully completing the training and taking the solemn oath, the new cadets signed the employment contract with the BiH Border Police. Vanja Vuković-Zubac was declared the cadet of the generation.

“The training was comprehensive. We acquired the necessary knowledge to perform police work. We are ready for all challenges and take care of the safety of all citizens in BiH”,  said Vuković-Zubac.

Training worth 450,000 euros was made possible within the project “Individual measures to strengthen capacity for managing migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina” through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Organization for Migration. The support will be continued through financing the training of Class XII of 150 cadets in the coming period.

As part of this project, the European Union continues to provide significant support through the procurement of equipment, capacity building and the provision of professional assistance to the Ministry of Security, the Service for Affairs with Foreigners, the Border Police and the Asylum Sector, the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH and other institutions and agencies responsible for this sector.

Source: akta.ba