[BESPLATNA EDUKACIJA] FinTech Day – otključaj moć finansijske tehnologije

WeAreDevelopers organizuje live i besplatne edukacije s ciljem istraživanja najnovijih inovacija i trendova u finansijskoj tehnologiji.


08.11.2023. 10:00 – 08.11.2023. 13:45


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WeAreDevelopers je osnovan 2015. godine sa misijom da unaprijedi karijere programera pružajući im vrijedan tehnološki sadržaj, savršeno prilagođene prilike za posao i izvanredne događaje tokom cijele godine. Vode vodeću evropsku zajednicu programera i podržavaju profesionalni i lični razvoj programera.

8. novembra imat ćeš priliku da čuješ od stručnjaka iz industrije o tome kako napretci u finansijskoj tehnologiji mijenjaju budućnost finansija. Ostani ispred igre u svijetu Fintecha koji se brzo razvija. Zato ne propusti Fintech dan koji ti donosi četiri zanimljive sesije i stručnjake:

TimeTopicAbout the topicSpeaker
10:00 – 10:45 (CET)OpenAI for FinTech: Building a Stock Market Advisor ChatbotWhat You’ll Learn : * The fundamentals of OpenAI and its application in the FinTech sector. * Step-by-step guide to building a voice-activated stock market advisor chatbot. * Best practices for ensuring your chatbot is both efficient and effective. * Real-world use cases and success stories of AI-driven financial tools.Akmal Chaudhri, Technical Evangelist at SingleStore
11:00 – 11:45 (CET)Get ready for new features – the legacy challengeEspecially in the financial industry we are often facing the challenge to integrate new features and new technology into the existing legacy environment. We have to focus on the legacy systems instead of focusing on the new potential. This takes time, increases costs and decelerates development. In general disregarding maintenance and modernization of software, processes and data structures lead to a degeneration and a lack of adaptability. Hans Hosea Schäfe, Lead Developer InternetBanking at ING Germany / Digital Leadership
12:00 – 12:45 (CET)Leveraging Real time data in FSIsFinancial services institutions are increasingly relying on real time analytics for fraud detection, digital identity management and many other areas. Irrespective of the technology underlying the analytics, one fundamental premise remains true: without having sufficient data to power these algorithms and the ability to load that data in real time, even the best algorithms will return suboptimal results.Tim Faulkes, Chief Dev Advocate at Aerospike
13:00 – 13:45 (CET)Future-Proofing FinTech With Blockchain TechnologyExplore the synergy of fintech development and blockchain security. Gain an actionable understanding of the necessary security advancements required for widespread blockchain adoption by banks and institutions dealing with substantial assets on the blockchain.‍John Woods, CTO at Algorand Foundation

📣 Edukacija je javna i besplatna! Sve što je potrebno jeste da se registruješ klikom na link.

Ukoliko te zanima FinTech onda te pozivam da pogledaš i ove objave u loncu:

👉 FinTech i finansijska inkluzija: Kako tehnologija mijenja finansije;

👉 Blockchain: Tehnologija koja transformiše svaki sektor.

FinTech je tema o kojoj ćemo mnogo pisati u budućnosti u loncu, zato te pozivam da nas nastaviš pratiti ako te zanima ova tema i želiš biti u toku sa najnovijim dostignućima i prilikama u ovoj oblasti. 🚀

Ako poseduješ određeno znanje i iskustvo u ovoj oblasti, pozivam te da to podjeliš s ostatkom zajednice.💡

Izvor: lonac.pro