Who is entitled to a tax refund in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

In the complex world of tax regulations, the issue of tax refunds often causes confusion among the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The information that follows is based on official data from the Tax Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and will provide you with a clear picture of your rights and options when it comes to tax refunds.

Universal right of return: Who does it belong to?

According to the FBiH Tax Administration, the right to a tax refund is not reserved only for the selected. In fact, any taxpayer who is in a situation where he has paid more or has paid the wrong tax, has the right to request a refund. This rule applies to all types of taxes under the jurisdiction of the FBiH Tax Administration, which opens up a wide range of opportunities for citizens and legal entities.

Types of refundable taxes 

When it comes to the types of taxes that can be claimed back, the list is impressive. The FBiH Tax Administration is responsible for deciding on requests for the refund of not only federal, but also cantonal, city and municipal taxes. In addition, this category also includes contributions, fees (those under the jurisdiction of the Tax Administration), special fees over which the Tax Administration exercises control and supervision, membership fees of tourist boards and chambers of commerce, and even fines for tax violations.


Return procedure

The tax refund process begins with the submission of a written request to the competent office of the Tax Administration of the FBiH. These branches are strategically distributed throughout the Federation, with locations in Sarajevo, Bihac, Mostar, Tuzla, Goražde, Zenica, Livno, Ljubuško, Novi Travnik and Orašje. This distribution ensures that citizens from all parts of FBiH have relatively easy access to this service.

Time frame for submitting the request

The law prescribes a clear time frame within which it is possible to submit a request for a tax refund. In general, this term is three years from the date of tax payment. However, it is important to note that certain tax laws may prescribe different deadlines, so it is always advisable to check the specific provisions related to the type of tax for which a refund is requested.

Refund amount: How is it determined?

The amount that can be claimed as tax refund is not arbitrary.  The Tax Administration of the FBiH  clearly defines that it is a determined difference between the tax liability and the payment made. In some cases, this amount may represent the entire amount of tax incorrectly paid. Accurately determining this amount is crucial for a successful refund process.

Who makes the refund: The role of public revenue users

Although the FBiH Tax Administration decides on requests for tax refunds, the act of refunding itself is carried out by the users of public revenues. These are, in practice, the budgets to which public revenues were originally paid  . This distinction is important because it illustrates the complexity of the process and the involvement of different institutions in the realization of tax refunds.

A strategic approach to tax refunds: Tips for citizens

  1. Be proactive : Regularly check your tax obligations and payments in order to spot any mistakes or overpayments in time.
  2. Document everything : Keep all relevant documentation related to your tax payments. This can greatly facilitate the return process should it occur.
  3. Get informed : Follow changes in tax laws and regulations. Sometimes, new provisions can open up opportunities for recovery that didn’t exist before.
  4. Don’t delay : Although you have three years to file a claim, it’s best to act as soon as possible after you notice an overpaid or wrongly  paid tax .
  5. Consult the experts : In more complex cases, consider consulting with tax advisors who can provide an expert opinion on your rights and options.

Exercise your right

The right to a tax refund is an important mechanism that ensures fairness in the tax system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Understanding this right and the process of realizing it can lead to significant financial benefits for individuals and legal entities. Whether it’s a small amount or a significant amount, any wrong or overpaid tax deserves attention.

In economically challenging times, every brand counts. Therefore, be informed, alert and ready to exercise your right to a tax refund when the opportunity arises. Your wallet will thank you, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve taken advantage of all the legal options available to you in the complex world of taxes.

Source: forbes.n1info.ba