USAID’s Workforce and Higher Access to Markets Activity (WHAM) invites eligible organizations to submit concept notes for grant funding as detailed below
Issuance Date: March 17, 2021
Closing Date: April 14,2021
Total Potential Funding: USD 350,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 10
Maximum Award: USD 70,000
WHAM published a Requests for Applications (RFAs) targeted to support training centers that provide training to companies in metal, wood, textile/footwear and ICT industries, aiming to expand capacity, reach more markets, and generate greater employment.
RFA published is focused on improving workforce.
For full RFA visit
If you would like for a member of the WHAM team to provide a presentation of this public call to you individually, please get in touch with us via our email A WHAM team member will contact you to arrange an individual presentation and answer any questions you may have.
WHAM team also organizes Microsoft Teams webinar to present this RFA.
1. Wednesday 24.3.2021 at 14:00
2. Wednesday 31.3.2021 at 14:00
Deadline for receiving Grant Applications is 6:00PM local time on April 14, 2021.
We encourage interested organizations to submit their application as soon as possible. Any questions about the application process please submit via email to
Download links:
1 Grant Application Form_Template,
2a Grant Budget Form Template,
2b Monthly Budget Breakout Form Template,
2c Grant Budget Notes Template,
2d Grant Budget Forms Instructions,
3a Indicators Template,
3b Indicators Example,
4 Environmental Review_Template,
RFA – Workforce development WHAM-AID-168-LA-17-00013