Under the baton of Zubin Mehta: the Sarajevo Philharmonic will present a spectacular concert on July 13

With a spectacular concert, conducted by the famous Zubin Mehta, the Sarajevo Philharmonic will end this year’s concert season on Saturday, July 13.

The world-renowned Indian conductor, after 30 years, returned to the main city of Bosnia and Herzegovina to stand in front of Sarajevo musicians and bow to our audience.

At the Sarajevo airport, maestro Zubin Mehta and his wife were welcomed by the prime minister of the Sarajevo Canton, Nihad Uk, and the director of the Sarajevo Philharmonic, Vedran Tuce.

“Everything is really different now ,” said maestro Mehta immediately after arriving in Sarajevo, alluding to the name of the concert for which tickets were sold out in record time.

In wartime 1994, Zubin Mehta conducted Mozart’s Requiem, in the completely destroyed City Hall and under the constant threat of grenades and sniper shots.

Thirty years later, the works of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Symphony no. 5 and Concerto for violin and orchestra performed by Violeta Smailović Huart.

“And this Saturday, like 30 years before, messages of peace, dignity and true civilizational values ​​will be sent from Sarajevo. We are extremely proud that maestro Mehta accepted the invitation of the director of our philharmonic and that today we can host him in Sarajevo”,  said Prime Minister Uk.

He added that he is convinced that the concert will be an unforgettable experience for all present and that it will further affirm Sarajevo as a city open to the highest artistic reach.

“It is a great thing that in one concert season, in just nine months, we have two greats on our stage – Rikard Muti and Zubin Mehta. With the final concert of the philharmonic, under the leadership of maestro Mehta, we are enriching our cultural scene while connecting with global music trends” , concluded Prime Minister Uk, after welcoming maestro Mehta at the Sarajevo airport.

For all those interested who did not manage to get tickets, the Sarajevo Philharmonic provided a free live broadcast of the concert on Susan Sontag Square via two LED screens.

Zubin Mehta and his wife, immediately after landing in Sarajevo, out of respect for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide on the anniversary of its commemoration, were presented with the Flower of Srebrenica, according to the announcement of the KS Government.

Source: akta.ba