Two new public calls for employment of persons with disabilities have been published

Fund for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities on September 12, 2024. in 2008, he announced two public calls.

The first is  a public call for the allocation of financial incentives for new employment  of persons with disabilities in 2024.

The basic amount of monetary incentive for employment/self-employment that is awarded to a newly employed person with a disability is  13,800 KM , and the maximum amount that can be awarded per person is 24,849 depending on the percentage of disability and the period of employment. ​

The second is  a public call for the allocation of funds for the financing and co-financing of the employment sustainability program , the development of companies for the employment of persons with disabilities and protective workshops, and the program of professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in 2024.

The total amount of funds allocated according to this public call is  6,900,000.00 KM , divided into five LOTs according to the areas to which the programs refer, i.e. in accordance with the project goals and activities, and the needs of persons with disabilities, as follows:

LOT I: For financing/co-financing of the program for maintaining the current level of employment of persons with disabilities in companies for the employment of persons with disabilities and protective workshops – 1,500,000.00 KM
LOT II: For financing/co-financing of the program for the development of companies for the employment of persons with disabilities disability and protective workshops – 3,500,000.00 KM
LOT III: For financing/co-financing of the program of professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities:

Professional rehabilitation programs carried out by companies, protective workshops and other legal entities according to the Law – 50,000.00 KM
Professional rehabilitation programs carried out by vocational rehabilitation institutions, high schools and other educational institutions – 50,000.00 KM
Professional rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities they apply themselves – 200,000.00 KM

LOT IV: For financing/co-financing of the employment sustainability program for persons with disabilities who are self-employed or agricultural as their only and main/primary occupation, including persons with disabilities who are employed in accordance with Article 56, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Law – 1,500 .000,00 KM
LOT V: For financing/subfinancing of the sustainability program of employment of persons with disabilities employed in organizations of persons with disabilities – 100,000.00 KM

The maximum amount of funds for financing or co-financing that can be allocated per program for each Lot is:

LOT I: For financing/co-financing of the program for maintaining the current level of employment of persons with disabilities in companies for the employment of persons with disabilities and protective workshops – 50,000.00 KM
LOT II: For financing/co-financing of the program for the development of companies for the employment of persons with disabilities and of protective workshops – 70,000.00 KM
LOT III: For financing/co-financing of the program of professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities:

Professional rehabilitation programs carried out by companies, protective workshops and other legal entities according to the Law – 50,000.00 KM
Professional rehabilitation programs carried out by vocational rehabilitation institutions, high schools and other educational institutions – 50,000.00 KM
Professional rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities they apply themselves – 6,000.00 KM

If undistributed funds remain on any of the sublots within Lot III, they will be redirected to another sublot within Lot III if the need for this is shown due to a larger number of applications.

1. LOT IV: For financing/co-financing of the employment sustainability program for persons with disabilities who are self-employed or agricultural as their only and main/primary occupation, including persons with disabilities who are employed in accordance with Article 56, paragraph 2 and 3 of the Law – 6,000.00 KM
2. LOT V: For financing/subfinancing of the sustainability program of employment of persons with disabilities employed in organizations of persons with disabilities – 12,000.00 KM

The public call remains open for 30 days, ending on October 12, 2024. year.

The full text of the Public Call, as well as application forms, can be downloaded from the Fund’s official website:  or at the Fund’s premises, ul. Wilson’s Promenade No. 10, 71000 Sarajevo.

Incomplete, untimely and inappropriate applications will not be considered.
