Trebinje gets a summer cinema, the Museum of Herzegovina a souvenir shop

The development agency of the city of Trebinje has prepared a project for the adaptation of the summer cinema, which should become a multifunctional summer scene, as well as the arrangement of the space in the yard and inside the building of the Museum of Herzegovina, where a souvenir shop will be opened.

Director of the Trebinje Development Agency Bojan Benderać told Srna that it is a project within the “Interreg IPA Croatia – BiH – Montenegro” program, with a total value of EUR 2 million, of which the budget for Trebinje is EUR 300,000.

– The realization of this project will contribute to the further development of tourism in our city. The summer scene will enable the holding of various events in the field of culture, and it gains special importance if we consider the large number of exhibitions, book promotions, plays, and concerts in the summer period. As for the souvenir shop in the museum building, it will be specific in that it will offer items made in cooperation with various associations through an inclusive model of cooperation – explained Benderać.

He stated that out of only five approved projects within this program, two are from Trebinje, that the leading partner of the project is Fortress of Culture Šibenik, while the other partners are Banjaluka, Bar, Ulcinj and Karlovac.

Benderać pointed out that the promotion of the city among partners and the cities they come from is also very important for Trebinje.

– I would like to single out the Sibenik Fortress of Culture and the possibility of further cooperation between this institution and the Museum of Herzegovina, which has already been established by the joint holding of the ‘Fortress Night’, and which, I am sure, will be intensified through this project – said Benderać.

He added that the project “Local partnership for employment East Herzegovina – together to jobs”, which was prepared in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Trebinje as a leading partner, is in the initial phase of implementation.

– In this project worth about 400,000 KM, we expect a series of training and training programs for unemployed persons in various professions, as well as subsidies for self-employment, and other activities that involve the cooperation of local self-governments from Eastern Herzegovina, support institutions, the Employment Office and companies – said Benderać.

He stated that the Trebinje Development Agency has been part of the “Innovative communication aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises” project as part of the “Interreg Europe” program since the middle of this year, and that the Development Agency’s budget is around 65,000 euros.

– The goal of the project is to remove obstacles that prevent small and medium-sized enterprises from accessing the support offered by regional and local governments, as well as to make communication between institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises less bureaucratic and easier for users – said Benderać, reports .

He added that part of the project includes study visits and familiarization with tools and examples of good practice that contribute to improving the availability and use of funds from various EU and local support programs when it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Benderać said that participation in this project is also significant from the point of view that the IPA countries have just joined the “Interreg Europe” program and that the Development Agency of the city of Trebinje is one of the few organizations from BiH that got the opportunity to join one of the projects in implementation.
