The strength of the local community: Activities of the Federation of Municipalities and Cities of FBiH

At the beginning of October 2021, the cooperation of the United Nations Development Program and the Federation of Municipalities and Cities of FBiH on the implementation of the activities of the project to strengthen the role of local communities (MZ) in BiH, financed by the Governments of Switzerland and Sweden, was made official.

The MZ Project is implemented in 41 local self-government units (LGUs) in BiH, and 199 MZs are directly covered. An additional 22 municipalities received support through SOGFBiH and SOGRS, making a total of 63 LGUs (more than 50% of the number of LGUs in BiH) in which project activities were implemented. 

As part of the MZ Project, a dialogue methodology between LGUs and citizens was developed. By holding the forum, citizens nominated and chose priority projects, and had the opportunity to see how the mentioned projects are implemented.

The project to strengthen the role of the Ministry of Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina supported the establishment and equipping of Community Centers (DC) in all partner LGUs. The mentioned spaces are used for the purposes of the work of local communities, and serve as places of cultural and educational content, open to all citizens. A special focus of the Project’s activities is placed on working with women, youth and other marginalized groups in order to meet all the needs of citizens and ensure that no one is neglected.

SOGFBiH supported the establishment of the Network of Practitioners for work with MH and the horizontal integration of ideas and good practices that were developed and implemented through the MH Project. In addition, a series of events was organized for all members with the aim of promoting the working methodology of the Ministry of Health as a tool for strengthening cooperation between LGUs and the Ministry of Health, through models of a possible regulatory framework and acts.

The municipalities of Kalesija and Travnik stood out with their activities, quality work and contribution, applied new methodologies and tools, and truly showed that they want change and better functioning of local communities. The Ministry of Health Project recognized this, after which project proposals were received and qualified through the citizens’ forum. Two projects were supported in the aforementioned LGUs, i.e. the construction of a children’s playground in the Turbe Municipal Municipality and the renovation of a community center in the Kalesija Centar Municipal Municipality.
