The Pannonian lakes have impressive results: Since June 1, more than 200,000 visits

The first part of the season on the Pannonian lakes in Tuzla passed successfully and without problems. Guests arrive every day, and the management hopes for good weather so that as many people as possible can enjoy the salt lakes and facilities that this complex and Tuzla offer, writes BHRT.

From the early hours of the morning on the Pannonian lakes thousands of people looking for rest, refreshment and entertainment. That’s what they find, so many of them return to this bathing place year after year.

“Last weekend we had about 15, 20 buses from Krajina, central Bosnia, Sarajevo, Zenica. We have guests from Bijeljina and visits from Eastern Croatia are organized. It is traditional – Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Western Serbia, so Pannonica has been discovered by new travel agencies that come to Tuzla in an organized manner ,” says Maid Porobić, director of JKP “Pannonica” doo.

The Pannonian lakes in Tuzla are visited daily by thousands of people, primarily from Tuzla, but also from other cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and countries in the region. The season is running smoothly despite the extremely high temperatures of the past two weeks.

“Of course, in the last fifteen days, due to the high temperatures, there were a large number of interventions. Everything ended happily, which is the most important thing, but our goal of being able to help those people and a large number of guests was fulfilled, because the average number of visits is between 7 and 8 thousand every day ,” Porobić points out.

Since the beginning of the season, on June 1, the Pannonian lakes in Tuzla have been visited by more than 200,000 people. The management of Panonike hopes for that until the end of the season. In addition to swimming in the lakes, as part of “Summer in Tuzla”, various entertainment activities are organized here. Next week, the popular “Kaleidoscope” festival is scheduled near the Pannonian Lakes. The fun continues through August, and will be finalized with big bike meetings on September 6 and 7.
