The Municipality of Centar allocated 50 thousand marks for the operation of public kitchens

In this year’s budget of the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo, an amount of 50 thousand convertible marks was provided to charitable organizations for improving the working conditions of public kitchens. On this occasion, the signing of the contract on the realization of funds with representatives of seven charitable organizations from the area of ​​the Sarajevo Canton took place today in the premises of the Municipality of Centar. Mayor Srđan Mandić signed the contracts on behalf of the Municipality of Centar.

An amount of 11,000 KM was approved for the “Stari Grad” public kitchen, and 10,000 marks were allocated to the Sarajevo Canton Red Cross. KM 9,000 was allocated for the operation of the public kitchen run by the humanitarian organization “Merhamet”. 5,000 convertible marks were allocated to the humanitarian charity organization of the Franciscan Province of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Bread of St. Anthony”, the humanitarian pastoral organization “Caritas”, the Serbian humanitarian association “Dobrotvor”, and the Humanist Association “Alden S.46”. The amount of approved funds is determined based on the number of users of the mentioned kitchens.

During the signing of the contract, the representatives of the charitable associations thanked the Municipality of Centar for their long-term support, and especially emphasized the importance of this assistance. – The Government of the Canton of Sarajevo has been co-financing the procurement of food and running costs for the needs of the users of our public/community kitchens for years. However, we have users in a state of social need who, for various reasons, cannot exercise this right. It is precisely in such cases that this help from the Municipality of Centar and other municipalities in Sarajevo Canton comes in very handy. It also means a lot to us in our work when the competent municipal service simplifies our procedures especially for our users, explained the representatives of charitable organizations. 

Today’s signing of the contract was attended by the assistant for veterans-disabled and social protection Amra Hašimbegović Vučković together with her colleagues Mersida Veiz and Aida Bašić. – The Municipality of Centar, headed by Mayor Srđan Mandić, tries every year to provide the best possible support in the municipal budget in accordance with its financial capabilities, among other things, to the social categories of the population from our area. Also, one of the forms of that aid is to, in accordance with the legal provisions, simplify the procedures for awarding this type of aid with as little documentation as possible so that your charitable organizations can fulfill the given conditions as easily as possible, explained assistant Hašimbegović Vučković. 
