The Municipality of Centar allocated 200,000 KM for start-up businesses

The municipality of Centar has provided 200,000 marks in the budget for 2024 as part of the support for active employment policy measures and promotion of entrepreneurship of young people, women over 35 years of age and the long-term unemployed.

To remind you, in the past period the Municipality of Centar published two public calls for starting your own business, namely a public call for the implementation of the incentive program for youth self-employment and the promotion of entrepreneurship and the public call for the implementation of the incentive program for the improvement of entrepreneurship for women over 35 years old and long-term unemployed.

After the procedure and scoring of the projects by the Committee for the Implementation of the Fund Allocation Procedure, the results of the public calls were published on the website of the Municipality of Centar, and you can find them at the following link: – regulations  

 Candidates who passed the public invitations will be informed in due time about the date of signing the contract.
