The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues with ambitious projects

With a quality program, the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfilled its public mission in the previous year. They continue at the same pace in 2024, with very ambitious plans. This year, visitors will have the opportunity to see exhibitions related to the period of the Second World War and the 1990s, historical periods that are normally the focus of this museum’s research.

The team of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina had an extremely dynamic previous year. They hosted more than a thousand children and schoolchildren at the “Museum Month” event, where the focus was on working with young people.

ELMA HODŽIĆ, curator of the BiH Historical Museum

“Our museum team is continuously working on collecting new stories. So we will do our best to present museum collections this year as well, to find adequate ways of museological presentation of stories from our past. I would especially like to mention the work on the permanent exhibition Besieged Sarajevo, which was re-presented to the public in November last year with the idea that in the time ahead, that exhibition will take on some new forms and new dimensions.”

The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a very wide range of actions and activities, it is a place of meetings, dialogues, different activities and different target groups. When it comes to the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are focused on the period of the Second World War and the 1990s, which they have been dealing with for the last 20 years.

ELMA HAŠIMBEGOVIĆ, director of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

“I would like to take this opportunity to announce an interesting exhibition that was opened in Belgrade last year. It is about the exhibition Labyrinth of the 90s, where fellow historians from the entire region tried to give an answer, to look at the region, that is, the area of ​​Yugoslavia from several aspects, and to offer some version of the exhibition and historical assessments of the 90s in these areas.”

This year, the Das ist Walter project will also see its culmination. It is an international project where the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina works with a group of historians and curators from Europe to shed light on the period of the Second World War with a focus on the resistance movement.
