The first web application in Bosnia and Herzegovina to help animals: Service for easier adoption and donations

Bosnia and Herzegovina received the first web application for helping animals – the Pet Connect Platform, which was created due to the great need to help pets.

Primarily, this application will be a service that will facilitate the adoption process, finding lost pets, but also donations and helping sick animals.

“I released the first web application in Bosnia and Herzegovina to help all animals. The feature to post an adoption ad is currently live. At the end of the week, there will be an option for donation ads, as well as ads for lost pets,”  says Denis Kantić, the author of this web application.

Kantić is a volunteer from Tuzla who decided to take matters into his own hands and “bring order” in navigating various Facebook groups and pages, Instagram profiles, etc. and which deal with animal welfare topics.

This recently graduated Bachelor of Technical Education and Informatics, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Tuzla, used his experience in web programming and created the first online web platform for adopting and providing assistance to all animals, in the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Pet Connect is designed as a centralized solution for all pets, and the application itself will provide ads of different types such as:

  • Ads for adoption
  • Lost animal posting ads
  • Donation ads, where you can choose one of the three categories offered: food, equipment and other

In addition to advertisements, the application will contain a list of all veterinary stations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It will also have a list of all active associations dealing with animal welfare and safety, shelters and the like. PetConnect will also provide useful information through its blog.

“This type of application does not exist in the Balkans. That’s why this is a very good advertisement for our country as well as proof of the expertise of young people in our country.” , it says in the description.

PetConnect will constantly develop and offer more options, the plan is to include a translation in order to enable foreigners to use our application more easily, who are also potential adopters.

“We are also working hard on other options, such as options for the visually impaired. Currently, the application does not have an internal chat or message system, because this project was created entirely by volunteers. Volunteer Denis Kantić finances the server monthly, monitors and  controls the entire application.

Also, this application will be a kind of registry of all veterinary stations in BiH, which will facilitate the communication of interest groups dealing with animal welfare issues.

Networking owners, professionals and activists in one place is certainly a great move.

To use the application, you must register with an e-mail address, name and password.

After that, an activation link will be sent to your e-mail, which you must click to activate the profile.

After activation, you can start using the application.

More details can be found directly on the  Pet Connect Bosnia application.

Considering the current unfavorable situation in the field regarding the problems that this application plans to treat, there is hope that it will greatly improve both the general treatment of animals, the targeted treatment of sick animals, and finally the finding of a safe and loving home for abandoned animals.
