The first Fair of Social Services opened in Sarajevo

The first Social Services Fair is being held today in the Youth Center in Sarajevo, organized by the Service for veterans, disabled and social protection of the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo, with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of Sarajevo Canton.

As the head of the Municipality of Centar, Srđan Mandić, said, citizens are not informed which services can help them exercise their rights through services and legally defined rights in their local community.

– It often happens to me that people ask me for something that is already guaranteed to them by law, but they are not informed about it. This is why this fair is important. We will try to promote all the services we offer. I can say that money is not a problem, it’s just important how we will distribute it in order to coordinate these activities in the best possible way – Mandic said.

The fair was organized with the aim of gathering all relevant participants from the social protection system and non-governmental organizations, and for citizens to find out and get to know which services/institutions can help them exercise their rights through services and legally defined rights in their local community, and to generally present all the services provided in the social protection system.

The Minister of Labour, Social Policy, Refugees and Displaced Persons of Sarajevo Canton Enda Pavić Pečenković notes that the Fair represents a significant step in the improvement of the social protection system in Sarajevo Canton.

– The fair shows the importance of synergy between different levels of government. I believe that only through joint work and effort can we contribute to a better future for our fellow citizens. The fair is important for institutions and the social protection system, because in this way people from the same system meet, exchange experience and improve their services – said Pavić Pečenković.

Visitors will be able to familiarize themselves with the social protection system in Sarajevo Canton and service providers through the material that can be obtained at the Fair.

Assistant to the municipal head Amra Hašimbegović Vučković notes that the fair of social services is free for all visitors and will provide the availability of information on the exercise of rights and services in the field of social protection, an individually oriented approach, integration of the individual and the family into the community in which he lives, cross-sectoral cooperation, exchange of experiences , creative workshops, special gifts for workshop participants.

– We gathered relevant participants from the social protection system, social protection institutions, in order to present a roadmap to whom and when citizens can turn to when they need help, i.e. exercising their right guaranteed by law. We want this to become a traditional fair and for other city municipalities to get involved – said Hašimbegović – Vučković.
