The first BH produced. drones – A manufacturer and a market are needed for mass production

After signing an agreement on the cooperation of the Center for Advanced Technologies from Sarajevo with the Ministry of Defense of BiH, the first BiH drones are entering a new phase of testing.

According to director Ensar Mulaosmanović, this cooperation is extremely important because of mutual assistance and the possibility that, within the project “Research and development of a dynamic system – unmanned aerial vehicle”, the Center’s engineers use runways and the necessary infrastructure of the Ministry.

As a reminder, the Center for Advanced Technologies has so far developed several prototypes of the first BiH. of drones. Their creation was started with the aim of being used exclusively for civilian purposes, for monitoring, preventing and monitoring fires, studying forests or measuring air quality, but today it is already certain that BiH. drones can also be used for other purposes.

– Because of the war in Ukraine, the military strategy is changing, the whole world is turning towards it, and it would not be good if we did not think about these things as well – said Mulaosmanović for “Avaz”.

He adds that  five unmanned aerial vehicles are being developed at the same time and that, after software installation and testing, the purpose of each of them will be determined in the next few months.

Battery types

In addition to those powered by batteries, a prototype drone with fixed wings powered by a gasoline engine is being developed  , as well as a model with a vertical takeoff with the help of a battery and a flight powered by a gasoline engine that is ignited at a certain height.

– The biggest limitations for electric types are batteries. We can buy batteries commercially, but our intention is to solve that here as well – explains Mulaosmanović.

Military aircraft
For the serial production of aircraft, a manufacturer and a market are needed,  and when it comes to military aircraft, the interlocutor of Avaz expects that the factories of the dedicated industry will also be involved.

– I hope that Zrak will go green because it has capacities that we can use, as well as other companies in the dedicated industry, as well as private companies in this sector. That is our next step, but we need factories, certain permits, so we will act in that direction – points out Mulaosmanović.
