The deadline for the Public Call within the project “Let’s devise, create and adopt policies towards young people” has been extended.

The Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ASuBiH) announces a public call “Project marathon!” within the framework of the project “Let’s devise, create and adopt policies towards young people” financed by the European Union, implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in partnership with the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation (RYCO), the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Network of Youth Centers for Animation, Development and training of the Republic of Srpska (MOCART) and the Association of High School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project aims to improve the cooperation of youth civil society organizations, support EU integration, and institutionalize cooperation between the government and youth organizations, with a special focus on young women and marginalized groups.

Who can apply?

The invitation is open to non-governmental organizations registered at any level in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Organizations are invited to submit their project proposals for grants. Projects should be aimed at supporting youth organizations and organizations that work with young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ultimate beneficiaries of these projects are young people, with a special emphasis on girls and marginalized youth, who will participate in events throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, and activists who will be empowered to act in their local communities.

Organizations implement initiatives on topics such as: youth activism in the local community, activities related to environmental protection, humanitarian actions for young citizens, activities for marginalized groups of students and young people, activities for people of the third age, activities related to marginalized groups and similarly. 

Each local initiative must include one social partner (school, police, local company, etc.).

Grant amount: up to 2,151.41 KM per initiative.

Through this component, 5 initiatives will be supported in the implementation period from August to December 2024.

Eliminatory criteria for implementing the initiative:

  • the applicant must be a youth organization, an organization that works with young people registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Decision on registration or an extract from the register (the document must not be older than one year), and a certificate of tax registration (ID number);
  • the maximum amount of requested funds does not exceed 2,151.41 KM;
  • the applicant submitted the project budget;
  • the initiative must include at least 1 partner (a youth organization, an organization that works with young people or an informal youth group, a social partner)
  • all proposed activities must be carried out on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • all proposed activities must be implemented no later than 31.12.2024. year;
  • the purpose of the initiative must be aimed at solving the problems and needs of young people in the community;
  • the purchase of equipment is not allowed;
  • all documentation specified in the invitation as mandatory has been submitted;

In addition to the above criteria (point criteria):

  • it is desirable that the organization/informal group is led by a girl or a member of a marginalized youth group;
  • it is desirable that the proposed initiative also has an advocacy aspect.

How to apply for an invitation?

Technical information as well as all mandatory forms (project budget form, application form, mandatory documentation) are available on the Association’s online platform: . The forms are submitted  at the link.

Applicants for this public call fill out Form 1 – Project application and Form 2 – Project budget and Mandatory documentation. 

Additional questions regarding this call can be submitted to the e-mail  until August 30, 2024.

Incomplete applications, applications that are not submitted in the specified manner, as well as applications on inappropriate forms will not be considered. Notifications about the status of the application will be communicated to the applicants via the email address specified in the application form.

When to apply?

The deadline for submitting projects is 30 August 2024. year until 23.59 hours.  Applications and required documentation must be written in one of the official languages ​​and scripts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Applications must be completed electronically. The approval of the initiatives and the signing of the contract is planned by September 1, 2024 at the latest.

Evaluation of received proposals

After the committee evaluates the received proposals, all applicants will be informed about the outcome of the initiative proposal evaluation. Only applicants whose proposals are positively evaluated will be considered for grants. Notification of a positive evaluation of the project proposal means that the initiative will be financed. By signing the grant award agreement, the mutual relations of cooperation and the rights and obligations of both contracting parties are regulated.

If the applicant believes that there have been irregularities in the evaluation process, he has the right to file an appeal within 5 calendar days from the date of notification of the outcome of the evaluation. Complaints can be sent to the commission via e-mail .

The association undertakes to use all collected data and documentation submitted as part of the application to the Public Call exclusively for the processing of the grant.

The Public Call document is available  at the link .

NOTE: For the sake of transparency, expressions given in one grammatical gender in the document without discrimination apply equally to persons of all genders.
