The Day of the Missing was celebrated in Vogošća

The International Day of Missing Persons was celebrated by the “Families of the Missing” Association of the Municipality of Vogošća in the way it has been doing for years. With the question “Where is it?” and the installation of silhouettes of the missing in Jošanička Street in front of the Vogošće Defenders’ Square. In this way, they marked this date with a reminder that the Association and families are still searching for 59 missing citizens of Vogošće.

During all the years of its existence, the Vogošće association of families of the missing tries to involve as many citizens, young people and children as possible in all its activities in order to become more aware of their long-term search for their loved ones, about whose fate even after 31 years they still do not know anything. With this marking, they are trying to animate representatives of competent institutions to get involved in the process of searching for missing persons.
