The call for applications to the “True Stories Fair” of the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival is open

The call for the “Fair of True Stories” is open, which is held as part of the “Facing the Past” program of the Sarajevo Film Festival.

Stories must be submitted in the form of text written on one word page, to the email . It is possible to attach additional material, which includes photos or links to video material. The application deadline is July 10, 2024.

The “True Stories Market” serves for the presentation of stories from collected materials and personal testimonies, which thematically and conceptually correspond to the framework of the program “Confronting the Past”. It was conceived as a space for the exchange of testimonies and stories as a base for developing film scripts, projects and films.

The program “Dealing With the Past” is a special program of the Sarajevo Film Festival established in 2016. The main goal of this program is to encourage dialogue through art, which often deals with painful topics from the collective past, both in the countries of the former Yugoslavia and beyond. During previous editions of the Festival, the “Facing the Past” program hosted numerous renowned artists from all over the world, such as Ron Haviv, Joshua Oppenheimer, Paweł Pawlikowski, Ari Folman, Michael Winterbottom, Mila Turajlić, Nebojša Slijepčević, Anja Kofmel and others.

The “True Stories Fair” will also take place during the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival, and the call for submitting stories is open to organizations dealing with the topic of war conflicts and their understanding and resolution. In cooperation with the Freidrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation, through a pre-selection process, several stories will be selected for presentation at the “Fair of True Stories” workshops, in which production teams from the region will also participate. At the end of the process, the winning story will be announced, which will win 10,000 euros with the goal of further film production.

The stories that fit into the “True Stories Fair” program can be:

  • stories of war rape victims and their life after the war;
  • missing persons and open trials; criminal proceedings and convictions; Law on amnesty and pardoning the guilty;
  • displaced persons and their return; encountering the scene and/or re-encountering the perpetrators of the crime;
  • psychological consequences of war, impact on life and surviving family members (post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive behavior of victims);
  • stories about reconciliation and optimism: coexistence and tolerance of people of different origins (emphasis on national identity), returnees, completed trials, positive experiences of younger generations in dealing with the past;
  • life in a place where there was no war versus the experience of war – impact and consequences;
  • wartime childhood – personal testimonies of people who were children during the war, their experiences with growing up in wartime circumstances;
  • the impact and consequences of war on all segments of life – open wounds, dialogue, coexistence, traumas of children born during or after the war and how to proceed.
  • Sarajevo Film Festival covers accommodation and travel expenses for representatives of organizations. The program “Facing the Past” will be held from August 17 to 22, 2024.
  • We remind you that the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival will be held from August 16 to 23, 2024.
