Telephone number – community wardens in Mostar

“Calling the number 036 505 521 (number of the Department for Inspection Affairs) or the number 036 505 523, citizens can have direct communication with the community wardens,” it was stated.

In the announcement, all citizens are invited to be actively involved in solving the problem of maintaining communal order… Community wardens of the City of Mostar have been performing regular work tasks since the middle of this month, monitoring the compliance with communal order in order to properly arrange, maintain, use, protect and preserve public areas, representatives of the City Administration stated.

The competence of community wardens is ​​supervision over the implementation of the provisions of the Decision on communal order, and the authorizations are prescribed by the Law on Communal Activities. At this moment, the community wardens of the City of Mostar, in the function of providing assistance to the communal inspection, are independently checking the approval for the occupation of public space at all catering facilities, which occupy the same objects with catering equipment. Based on the established facts, the competent communal inspectors will take further actions according to the already proscribed procedure.

“We emphasize that the activities of community wardens in the City of Mostar, and the daily engagement of community wardens in the City of Mostar, will create conditions for a better and comfortable life for all citizens, who will have the opportunity to more quickly and efficiently implement their requirements in the area of protection and preservation of public areas”, it was stated in the announcement. They invite citizens to be actively involved in solving the problem of maintaining communal order, and together with community wardens, detect negative situations in public areas of the City, achieve our common goal, which is clean City of Mostar.

“By calling the number 036 505 521 (number of the Department for Inspection Affairs) or directly the number 036 505 523, citizens can have direct communication with the community wardens,” it was stated.

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