Women’s leadership is a much-discussed topic, but at the same time, it remains challenging. Although women are present today in many spheres that were previously almost exclusively reserved for men, there are still many prejudices. At first glance, things look much better than they were, but true equality is a complex process.

One of the examples we often come across is when people see a woman driving a truck or bus. Many immediately have some kind of prejudice, although this is a fairly common picture today. We can talk about women leaders in the same way – no matter how qualified and capable they are, there will always be someone who will question their authority just because they are women. This form of injustice follows women in leadership through different spheres – from the business world, through politics, to non-governmental organizations.
Throughout history, women have fought for many rights, including equality in education, voting and many professions. But being a female leader today can still be a real challenge. There are still environments where it is far more difficult for women to gain trust than for men. We can talk about different causes of this, but one of the main ones is probably the traditional perception of the roles of men and women.

What particularly affects me is the fact that women often receive condemnation even from other women. Instead of being supportive of each other, we often face each other’s criticisms, which doesn’t help either side. Why is that so? Maybe because of the way we were brought up and the environment in which we grew up, which imposes certain norms on us. Sometimes I wonder why we women don’t support each other more, and then I realize that maybe it’s in me too. Because, although I think it’s important to support women, maybe I myself sometimes have some prejudices that I haven’t fully realized.

Perhaps this is normal, because we all bring our own attitudes and beliefs based on the experiences we have, and often we are not even aware of how deeply rooted they are. However, I don’t think it’s healthy for these attitudes to be passed down from generation to generation. If our mothers and grandmothers went through similar challenges, that doesn’t mean we have to too. It’s time to get rid of those restrictions and create a space where women can express themselves freely, without fear of judgment or prejudice.
As a young woman who studies and actively participates in the non-governmental sector, I am lucky that I have not directly felt negative comments just because of my gender. But I am aware that many women around me, both my peers and older ones, regularly encounter such obstacles. I am also aware that there is a huge room for improvement, although some doors are already open.

Despite all the challenges, women have proven to be exceptional leaders in many fields. And that’s no accident. In addition to traditional qualities such as determination and discipline, women often possess strong empathy, the ability to listen and understand others, which is crucial in leading teams today.
No one can claim that leadership belongs only to men – women have many qualities that make them great leaders. It’s just that we still have a lot of work ahead of us in order for everyone to recognize and accept it. I don’t think change will come overnight, but it’s important to talk about it. It is important that every step leads to greater inclusion and real equality.

If more of us were open to this topic, I think we could create an atmosphere that encourages women to take leadership positions and feel supported. So, step by step, together we can create a world where women and men will be equal in all fields.