Sparkasse Bank supported “Camp without Internet” for high school students

Sparkasse Bank supported the organization of the “Camp without the Internet” for high school students, which was organized last week by the Cantonal Public Institution “Family Counseling Center”.

Young people from high schools in the Sarajevo Canton gathered in the natural environment of the mountain lodge Brezovac on Igman, where they developed social skills through meeting, socializing and various educational activities, especially aimed at preventing internet addiction.

“Our corporate philosophy is that we as an institution can only be successful if the community in which we operate is also successful. Given that children and young people represent our future, we are pleased to support activities related to the development of their healthy and quality social habits. We think that this camp was extremely successful in that sense”, said Ramo Karović, director of Sparkasse Banka Sarajevo Branch.

Given that the Internet has taken a central place in the daily lives of many children and young people, and that many of them show signs of addiction to this medium, the activity program “Camp without Internet” is designed in such a way that young people spend time in a natural environment without the Internet , focusing on developing social skills.

The camp included intensive educational activities, as well as social exercises and games that represent an alternative way for young people to spend their free time without mobile phones and the Internet. Through the camp, young people develop communication and conflict resolution skills, learn about the factors that lead to addictive behavior, recognize the signs and learn how to prevent possible addiction. Through various exercises and interactive workshops, they become aware of the importance of cooperation, are encouraged to form healthy lifestyle habits and develop an understanding of the importance of quality time spent.
