Sign up for Balkathon 5.0

Balkathon is a regional online competition organized every year since 2020 by RCC. Balkathon 5.0 will focus on fresh, innovative and business-oriented digital ideas and solutions. Teams whose members are up to 35 years old and who come from the Western Balkans can apply, and teams from high schools are especially encouraged. Apply with your idea for Balkathon 5.0 and win one of the prizes from the €50,000 prize pool.


  • You can win one of six prizes in the amount of 7,000 euros
  • You have the opportunity to present your idea at the regional level
  • All shortlisted participants receive a two-day mentoring program with experienced experts
  • The winners have the opportunity to present their ideas at the Digital Western Balkans Summit
  • High school students also have the opportunity to compete for two special prizes, worth 4,000 euros each.

The competition is open to applicants from the Western Balkans.

For more information,  click on the link.
