Seven years of BH Korpa, one of the most massive support projects for domestic producers

Seven years of “BH Korpa”, one of the most massive support projects for local producers, a record number of products have been distributed to citizens

More than 3,000 products from domestic producers were distributed today in front of the Hoše market on Socijalno in Sarajevo, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of “BH. Korpe”, a unique project in support of the campaign “let’s buy local” by Hoše Komerka, a domestic retail chain with the longest tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Products of the brands Meggle, Bony, Violeta, Golden honey and tahini, Albina juices, Nova vita, House of nature, Seti herbs, Bajra, Menprom, Zlatna džezva Master strudel, Flips, Kent homemade biscuits, Napolitanka, Oaza, Vispak soups and broths, Swity juices and Akova were distributed to consumers from “BH. Korpe” with the intention of thanking them in this way for the trust they have been giving to domestic producers for years.

“And this year, on the first day of summer, we left our “BH. baskets», together with numerous local brands, rewarded the support given to us by citizens buying local products by distributing products. This is now a traditional promotional campaign that we have been conducting with leading domestic producers for the seventh year. By far the most products were distributed this time, and we can say that domestic brands have so far expressed their greatest gratitude to consumers for their trust. Indeed, this is an extraordinary example in which domestic producers can be seen to grow and strengthen with the support of domestic retail chains and consumers” , they state from the company Hoše komerc.

Hoše komerc, a domestic market chain with the longest tradition, is celebrating 45 years of successful business this year and is known for supporting domestic producers in particular. The project “BH. “Korpa” is unique in that it has been providing support to domestic producers for seven years non-stop, 365 days a year, giving them special promotional space and specially designed positions for that purpose. So far, thousands of items from more than a hundred domestic manufacturers have gone from “BH Korpa” to consumers’ baskets at favorable promotional prices.

The project “BH. Korpa” Hoše Komerc Market was launched in 2017 in order to further promote domestic quality brands, and is one of the most massive projects of its kind. Just because they found themselves in “BH. Korpi”, the sales index used to grow up to 100 percent.

“BH. Basket” of Hoše Market offers 5 domestic products on sale every 15 days. In addition to offering local, ‘BH. basket’ and its appearance, reminds of the rich cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina” , it is stated in the announcement of the company Hoše komerc. In the first few years, they were Bosnian mušepka, then Bosnian carpet patterns, and now they are graphic motifs of famous scenes and cultural monuments for which Bosnia and Herzegovina is known.
