Rehabilitation weekend in Bihać for children with cancer and their families

The Association Srce for Children with Cancer in Bihać organized a special rehabilitation weekend for children suffering from and being treated for cancer, as well as their families from the area of ​​the Una-Sana Canton. This event provided an opportunity for parents to socialize and talk, exchange experiences, achieve understanding and receive a sign of attention and sympathy, while the children enjoyed a cheerful atmosphere filled with various activities.

From the Heart Association for Children with Cancer, they point out that by analyzing the rehabilitation camps, they concluded that children from the Una-Sana Canton participate the least in these activities due to the geographical distance of this area.

– That’s why we wanted to bring them a rehabilitation camp in a natural environment through socializing with cured children and their families, with the aim of physical and emotional empowerment – said the Association.

This event was also attended by the Prime Minister of the Una-Sana Canton, Nijaz Hušić, who in this way provided support to the children and their families. Hušić expressed his respect for the courage and strength that children and their parents show in the fight against a serious illness.

– Their fight is not only a fight against disease, but also a fight for dignity, the right to a carefree childhood and a life filled with love and support. Precisely because of this, our task as a society is to be their support, to lend them a hand whenever necessary, and to work on creating conditions in which they will be able to feel the security and care they deserve – Prime Minister Hušić said.

Rehabilitation weekends like this one, organized by the “Heart for Children with Cancer” Association, are invaluable for families going through difficult life challenges, it was pointed out during the meeting.

It was also stated that such events provide an opportunity to create new friendships and emotional support, which is necessary in the fight against cancer.
