Record tourist season in TK – Almost half a million tickets sold at the Pannonian Lakes complex

The Tuzla Canton has a number of reasons to be satisfied with the summer tourist season, which is nearing its end.

The Pannonian lakes, as the most important destination, broke the record for the number of guests, and in addition to the lake, the Konjuh mountain and many other private complexes also recorded significant visits.

The Pannonian lakes, as the leader in the tourism sector of the Tuzla Canton, have had the best season since the opening of the lake back in 2003.

– We had more than 74 sunny days in a row, which is very important for destinations like this. This year we had more than 420,000 guests. With this, we fulfilled our plan even before the end of the season, which ends on Saturday, August 31, we are very satisfied with this season – said Majid Porobić, director of JP Panonika Tuzla.

Apart from Tuzla itself, as the center of the Tuzla Canton, from the Tourist Board of TK, they are satisfied with the season in almost all cities and municipalities. For all environments, the expansion of the so-called day tourism.

– We are often placed on the tourist map of BiH in a place that we have overcome. We have almost half a million tickets sold at the Pannonian Lakes complex, if we take into account that it is a record season at the Orion sports and recreation center in Srebrenik, a record season at the Gračani thermal baths, if our Konjuh is teeming with tourists, if we have hundreds of events, this all speaks for itself. that Tuzla and Tuzla Canton live tourism – said Miralem Mešković, head of the Tourist Office of the Tourist Board of TK.

The Tourist Board points out that they are already preparing for the winter tourist season, which will be full of events in almost all cities in TK.

– We made the decision to print promotional materials such as cards with QR codes that lead to our tourist websites, both of the Tourist Board of TK, and of the municipal and city tourist boards. This is a novelty and we will distribute these leaflets throughout the Tuzla Canton – Mešković said.

What was one of the problems of the summer season will be the same in the winter season, which is the lack of manpower, especially in the hospitality industry.
