Radio FREE – Peek into the world of our new media partners for young people

Today we have good news for our community – we signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Radio Free from Prijedor and the lonac radio show got another address.

We are looking forward to cooperation that will represent role models in society and contribute to the visibility of socially useful initiatives, but also enable as many young people as possible to participate in those initiatives.

Free radio is an urban radio station formatted according to the needs of listeners. It was founded on February 11, 1997 and became part of the “media world” as the first music-commercial radio in Prijedor and the region. The basic idea of the first editorial board was for the new program to be a kind of “invisible house friend” for the listeners, and as they grew and matured, they actually did become a “house friend”. Meet them on their official website.

And we, we will support each other, become partners, and we are already starting formal cooperation on the first Monday of next month when we will realize the first edition of 2.0. lonac radio show. A great team is waiting for you in the Radio FREE studio – Dejana, Amra and Vule.

I talked with Dejana Topic Daljevic, editor-in-chief of Radio FREE, who stressed the importance of this cooperation:

We sincerely look forward to working together and I believe we will give young people the opportunity to find themselves in some opportunities that we will offer together with the Mozaik Foundation through shows but also through successful examples of young people who have met some of their goals and are positive role models in our country. Radio FREE is a socially responsible media house that is always at the service of citizens and helps young people, Dejana emphasized.

Until today, Radio FREE has organized journalism schools and collaborated with young people who have found themselves in journalism and the team is happy to be able to provide an opportunity for young people in this way as well.

Radio FREE celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday in February, and Dejana pointed out that they are becoming more and more recognizable every year. Today they are recognized as a regional radio station that is listened to throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Watch the video!

Sejdefa Basic, Director for Collective Impact of the Mozaik Foundation, and Azra Borovcanin, Director of Radio FREE, also attended the signing of the Memorandum and our nice gathering.

If you are also an activist within our community, and you contribute to your community and you want that as many young people as possible hear about your initiative, or an entrepreneur who is a role model in our society, use the opportunity and present your work 💛 If you have any questions, post them in the comments. Supporting you is important for us and to them as well. 💜