Public call to business owners from Sarajevo Canton

Based on the Agreement on Business Cooperation between Sarajevo Canton and Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo (BBI Bank) signed on November 13, 2020, the Public Call to Small and Mid-size Enterprises (SMEs) in the Sarajevo Canton for submission of applications for financing was published.

It is a financing line that will enable business owners to receive financing at a rate of zero percent in BBI Bank, with a subsidy from the Sarajevo Canton. BBI provided funds in the amount of 42,500,000.00 BAM, and the Canton of Sarajevo – Ministry of Economy in the amount of 1,640,000.00 BAM, which will subsidize part of the annual profit margin in the amount of 2.64 p.p. (percentage points) for each individual financing for all users of funds who meet the conditions defined in the Public Call.

Funds from this financing line should enable the launch of new and maintenance of existing production, provision of services, greater capacity utilization, preservation of existing jobs, preservation of the existing number of small businesses, overcoming the negative effects of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, new employment and increased exports.

The BBI Bank does not bear any costs to the participants in the application procedure, and reserves the right to reject the requests in full if justified. The submitted documentation will not be returned.

You can download the public call for funding in PDF format at the link here.