Press release of the Peace Building Network Association: Concern over the placement of a tank near the Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo

Sarajevo, September 18, 2024 – The Peace Building Network Association expresses its deep concern over the final decision and placement of a tank in the park near the Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo as a memorial to the special forces of the “Bosnia” detachment. This move, although we want to believe, with the intention of honoring and showing gratitude, may actually have counterproductive consequences for a society that strives for reconciliation and peace building.

Since 2017, the Peace Building Network has been reacting to the conceptual design of a monument that is not in line with modern processes of memorialization and the culture of memory, and that such monuments introduce militaristic symbols into public spaces where they do not belong, in this particular case next to a school.

On this occasion, we held several meetings, which you can read more about  here .

Considering the difficult past of our region, such symbols can reopen painful issues and cause additional tensions among citizens. We believe that it is of crucial importance to take a sober look at the impact of such decisions on the community, and especially on young people who are the future of our society. Parks and public spaces should serve as places to gather, relax and live together, not as places that can evoke conflicting aspects of our past. Additionally, the park is located near the Second High School in Sarajevo, a place where future generations should nurture the values ​​of peace and reconciliation.

We emphasized the importance of opening a dialogue on how best to honor all victims of war and provide an example of unity and reconciliation. In this context, we felt that alternative ways of marking that did not include war equipment as part of the public space should have been considered.

We, as representatives of the Peace Building Network, in no way want to dispute the construction of a monument to the Bosnian special forces. We believe that the special forces who defended the city, and some of them gave the most valuable thing, their lives for that goal, are justified in asking for the construction of this monument, but that it should be in accordance with the messages of peace and the standards of modern memorialization.

Let our focus be on creating positive symbols and spaces that will contribute to building unity and solidarity among all citizens of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Peace Building Network Association will continue to advocate for activities that promote peace, reconciliation and social cohesion.
