Olympic and cultural heritage of BiH presented in Paris

The Paris 2024 Expo Showcase event was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Sarajevo Canton, and at the initiative of the Sarajevo Olympic Museum and the Creative Export Office.

The ceremonial opening of the Bosnia and Herzegovina pavilion in the epicenter of the sporting event in Paris gathered numerous distinguished guests who further emphasized the importance of this event, including representatives of the embassies of Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Great Britain, the Czech Republic and Sri Lanka, as well as representatives of the BiH Olympic Committee, as well as part of the team of our most successful swimmer Lana Pudar, according to the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the KS and the Sarajevo Olympic Museum.

The host of the Showcase & Expo Paris 2024 event on the Seine River was the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Canton of Sarajevo, Kenan Magoda, who greeted the attendees.

– I am extremely proud to be able to greet you from this place, where Bosnia and Herzegovina, after 124 years, is once again presenting its rich cultural and historical heritage and Olympic heritage. The exhibition you see takes us back 40 years and revives the Olympic spirit, when Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympics. Those were the best organized Games until then – said Magoda.

He added that Sarajevo is a special city, known as the European Jerusalem, and the people of Sarajevo are a people who selflessly extend a hand of welcome to all visitors.

– It is a privilege to be in Paris during the Olympic Games, when athletes from all over the world gather, including BiH. Olympians, reflecting the synergy and togetherness that crosses borders and connects different cultures and countries – stated Magoda.

The director of the Olympic Museum, Senka Ibrišimbegović, also addressed the audience.

– We are proud that we managed to bring the Olympic spirit of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina to Paris and show the wealth of artistic achievements of our creatives. With the exhibition, we connected these two cities through projects such as the Heart of Sarajevo by the French designer AgnesB for the Sarajevo Film Festival, photographs by Milomir Kovačević Strašno, and the Museum of Contemporary Art “George Pompidou” designed by Renzo Piano. Piano presented Sarajevo with the architectural project of the Ars Aevi Museum, which will begin to be realized this year – said Ibrišimbegović.

The project of digitalization of documentation of the Olympic heritage was also promoted in cooperation with the Association of Olympic Historians headed by Markus Osterwalder.

The surprise guest was Markus, who in his address confirmed the importance of the digitization project of the Olympic Games, which were created in the analog era.

– It is very important to make available the documentation of the Olympic Games, which would be a precedent for all other countries where the Olympic Games were held. The goal is to preserve our heritage and make it available to everyone – he said.

During Markus’ stay in Sarajevo, a documentary film was shot, which premiered in the Switzerland pavilion. 

Showcase&Expo Paris 2024 is an exhibition that has shown that the combination of sports and culture overcomes differences and unites people around the world.

The initiative for setting up the exhibition was initiated by the Sarajevo Olympic Museum and the Office for Creative Export, and financial support was provided by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Sarajevo Canton. Friends of the project are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Paris.

Source: federalna.ba