Need a reason? World Cleaning Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Center for Youth INPUT coordinator in Zenica!

The INPUT youth center proudly announces that it is the coordinator of the World Cleanup Day for the city of Zenica, within the project “Let’s Do It – clean the earth in 1 day”, which will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024! This global event brings together millions of volunteers with the aim of preserving our environment.

Why participate?

World Cleaning Day is an opportunity for all of us to contribute to a cleaner and healthier city. This year, with the slogan “Need a reason?”, we want to draw attention to the importance of cleaning and caring for the environment. Each of us can make a difference – and we invite you to join us in this important movement!

How can you help?

Join our local team and help clean up Zenica! Sign up via the link below and contribute to the creation of a cleaner city with your participation.

On the day of the action, all volunteers will gather at the agreed locations where they will receive all the necessary information and materials. With a good atmosphere and enthusiasm, we will work together to preserve the beauty of Zenica. 

Be the change you want to see!

For additional information, contact us via e-mail .

Together, we can make a difference!