Necessary harmonization of FBiH and RS laws in order to facilitate online business for merchants

On Thursday, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Trade spoke with representatives of GIZ and the e-commerce Association about the problems faced by merchants operating via electronic commerce.

On that occasion, the representatives of the Association presented the Innovation and Digitization of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina project, through which they defined several recommendations for facilitating electronic business, the Federal Ministry of Trade (FMT) reported.

There are two main problems in the field of e-commerce, which relate to issues under the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Trade. The first one refers to  the declaration, that is, to the different regulations that apply in the two entities, such as the shelf life of the product,  which makes it difficult for traders to do business.

The second relates to  prescribed special warehouses for online trade,  which represents an additional cost and organizational challenge for online traders.

At the meeting, the possibilities of harmonizing regulations were reviewed in order to facilitate business in e-commerce.

Representatives of the Federal Ministry of Trade informed those present about the dynamics of drafting legal frameworks that treat this area.

It was concluded that it is necessary  to work on the harmonization of laws between the FBiH and the RS in accordance with EU practices, especially in relation to marking the shelf life of products.

Also, it is necessary to adjust the regulations related to the storage of goods for online trade, in order to reduce additional costs and organizational problems for traders, and with the aim of improving the business environment for micro, small and medium-sized companies in BiH, enabling them to operate more efficiently and better competitiveness in the market.
